Old Dominion Bar Association


Below are resources that the Virginia State Bar (VSB) has identified that may assist you in finding legal assistance:

Local Legal Aid Organizations

If you do not have your local legal aid organization number, call 1-866-LEGLAID (1-866-534-5243) and inquire about the services offered and the types of cases they handle.

Virginia Free Legal Answers

Register for Virginia.freelegalanswers.org, the Virginia State Bar’s pro bono website: https://virginia.freelegalanswers.org/.  If you meet the financial eligibility requirements, you may post a civil legal question on the website and an attorney will send you a response.   There is no cost to use the service and you may post up to three legal questions in the course of a year.   However, the assistance provided by the attorney via this website is limited to answering your legal question.

Virginia Lawyer 

The Virginia Lawyer Referral Service (800-552-7977) will connect you with a lawyer who practices in the area of law with which you need assistance. There is a $35 fee for the initial, 30 minute consultation, during which you can get information on how to proceed with your case. If you need further assistance, you and the attorney can discuss terms for representation, including their fee and whether they would be willing to reduce or waive compensation.  

Self Help

Gather legal information about the issues at http://selfhelp.vacourts.gov/ or  http://www.valegalaid.org .  These websites have legal information and legal forms that might be helpful if you are required to represent yourself. Virginia State Bar provides a Free and Low Cost Legal Resources pamphlet here: http://www.vsb.org/docs/probono/access-guide.pdf.

Clients' Protection Fund

The Clients’ Protection (CPF) fund is a vital component of self-regulation and has existed since 1976 to reimburse clients who suffer a financial loss due to a lawyer’s dishonest conduct.

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