Old Dominion Bar Association

News & Events Archive










February 1, 2018 — Community Conversations with Senator Tim Kaine

On Thursday, February 1st, ODBA President and NAACP member, Jane Reynolds, attended Community Conversations with Senator Tim Kaine in Woodbridge, Virginia. Senator Kaine met with about 70 members of the local chapter of the NAACP to mark the beginning of black history month. Senator Kaine is a former Virginia governor, lieutenant governor and Richmond mayor and he will be on the ballot in November for a second term in the U.S. Senate.

Kaine stated to the group that he and Virginia Sen. Mark Warner have been working closely with the bipartisan group of senators over the past recent weekend shutdown to arrive at a deal that reopened the government Jan. 22.

Kaine indicated that Trump was correct about one thing when it comes to DACA: Dreamers are better off with an act of Congress than an extended executive order, which could change at the president’s whim. “For the first time ever, we will have a debate about the dreamers on the floor of the Congress,” Kaine said. “And we will stay in that debate until we can find something that has 60 votes.”

February 4, 2018  Hon. Angela Roberts Honored as a "Strong Woman in Virginia History"

Judge Angela Roberts speaks at the Strong Women and Men in Virginia History awards ceremony in Richmond Feb. 4. Roberts, a Caroline native who was the first African-American woman to be elected to a judgeship by the General Assembly, was one of this year's nominees.

Judge Angela Roberts stands in her former courtroom at the Oliver Hill Courts Building in Richmond, Va. on March 1, 2018. Roberts was named a “Strong Woman in Virginia History” by the Library of Virginia and Dominion Energy.

Judge Angela Roberts speaks at the ‘Strong Men and Women in Virginia History’ awards ceremony in Richmond, where she was honored Feb. 4.

Read the full story on ODBA's Judicial News page >>

February 5, 2018 — Interviews for the United States Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria Division) United States Attorney

On February 5, 2018, ODBA President, Jane Reynolds, participated with an independent panel (group of 5) interviewing candidates for the US EDVA (Alexandria div) US Attorney position. The panel selected candidates to be forwarded on to Senator Warner and Senator Kaine for further consideration for the position.

February 12, 2018 — Meeting with Delegation in Richmond

On Monday, February 12, 2018, ODBA President, Jane Reynolds, Kiah Spinks and bondsman Stephanie Rogers met with some Senators and Delegates in Richmond Virginia to discuss issues concerning the lack of diversity on the bench in Northern Virginia. The group stayed to watch the House members put forward their legislative initiatives.



February 16-18, 2018 — ODBA Winter Meeting in Virginia Beach, Va — “The Turning Tide In the Law with the Millennial Generation”

ODBA President attended the 2018 ODBA Winter Meeting and Conference chaired by Marcus Scriven with several committee members. The meeting was held at the Founder’s Inn & Spa in Virginia Beach, VA. In addition to offering 5.0 hours of Continuing Legal Education Credits, the ODBA sponsored two special student sessions for undergraduates interested in a legal career and for law students preparing to take the Bar Exam. The CLE’s includes topics on Computer Forensics; Hacking & Wire Fraud; Virginia Case Law Update and Ethics. Simultaneously, undergraduates attended a session concerning admittance into law schools and the intersection of practicing law while operating the business of running a law office conducted by Law School Deans. A record number of students were in attendance and members and guests were entertained by Teens With a Purpose. The teens performance was nothing short of dazzling and breathtaking. Kudos to Dean Michael Hernandez of Regent University School of Law for his hospitality and his focus on property law, race and the law, law and religion, law and public policy, and appellate advocacy. Kudos to Marcus Scriven, his committee members, our presenters, our sponsors and host hotel for one of the best winter conferences of the ODBA.


February 21, 2018 — Potomac View Show

ODBA President Jane Reynolds was invited by Ashla Hill-Rosoboro, to do a taping of the Potomac View to kick off Women’s History Month. Questions were answered concerning advocacy, the ME TOO movement, violence in schools and different associations and organizations. The program will air through the month of March.

February 23-24, 2018 — VSB Council Meetings

ODBA President Jane Reynolds attended the Virginia State Bar Council Meeting on February 23-24, 2018. The meeting kicked off with dinner at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia. The meeting took place at the Omni in Richmond, Virginia. Several actions were taken at the meeting, which will all be subject to approval by the Supreme Court of Virginia. The meeting was led by our Virginia State Bar and ODBA member, Doris Henderson Causey. The VSB Council voted 55-5 in favor of Legal Ethics Opinion 1750 regarding advertising issues. References to the Rules of Professional Conduct were updated with the current “false or misleading” language of Rule 7.1. Council unanimously approved renaming CRESPA (Consumer Real Estate Settlement Protection Act) to RESA (Real Estate Settlement Agents). Council unanimously approved amendments that added clarity to the definition of Disciplinary Record and define burden of proof in disciplinary proceeds as clear and convincing evidence. The meeting was very productive.

February 24, 2018 — Awards Dinner and Gala at New Hope Baptist Church

On February 24, 2018, ODBA President Jane Reynolds attended the Living Black History Maker Award Dinner and Gala presented by the Seatack Community Civic League. The League honored citywide community service from business and community leaders and pastors and did a historical tribute to the Daisy Chain Social and Charity Club (oldest Black Women’s Social Club in Virginia Beach). The Gala took place at the New Hope Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, Va. ODBA member Marcus Scriven was a sponsor of the event and was also honored. Congratulations to all of the honorees and ODBA member Marcus Scriven for his tireless efforts in and outside of the community.



February 24, 2018 — Regent Law School Black Law Students Association Honors teachers and mentors

ODBA President, Jane Reynolds and members Marcus Scriven and Tameeka Williams \attended The Regent University School of Law Black Law Students Association (BLSA) annual “Making Black History” Banquet. BLSA members honored Professor Gloria Whittico and Wade Berryhill. “These recipients were chosen because they embody the courage, boldness, and community spirit of the Black Law Students Association. They have also been consistent conduits of service opportunities for the student leadership of BLSA, introducing students to other attorneys and judges in order to establish one-on-one mentorship connections and forums from which to glean invaluable wisdom pertaining to the practice of law.” 







January 6th - Public Hearing with Prince William Delegation
(Delegates and State Senators)

ODBA President and other members attended a public hearing with Prince William Delegation at the McCourt to discuss current issues impacting the county.

January 7th - Meeting with Delegate Elect Hala Ayala of the 51st District

ODBA President and other members met with Delegate Elect Hala Ayala to discuss the judicial vacancy in PWC Circuit Court and to discuss the funding for an additional seat.

January 7th — New Delegation on The Rise

On January 10, 2018, a host of new faces took their seats as the new, diverse freshman class of delegates.

Following the election in November 2017, Democrats picked up 15 seats in the House, with Republicans now having a 51-49 majority. The 19 new arrivals have started making an impact already on the kinds of issues that must be tackled in 2018.

The chamber unanimously elected Del. Kirk Cox from Colonial Heights as the next Speaker of the House of Delegates. Del. Danica Roem (D-PWC) became the first transgender woman elected to the House of Delegates.

Del Dawn Adams (D-Richmond) became the first openly lesbian delegate in the history of Virginia. We have a record number of 24 women now serving in the state legislature.

Kathy Tram was the first Asian American woman elected to the Virginia General Assembly.

Two Latina women were elected to the Virginia General Assembly for the first time ever. Elizabeth Guzman won the 31st District and Hala Ayala won the 51st District. ODBA member Jennifer Carroll Foy also was elected to the 2nd District. Congratulations to the new class of Delegates.

Saturday, January 13, 2018 Swearing in of Governor Ralph Northam

On Saturday, January 13, 2018, Governor Ralph Northam was sworn in as the 73rd governor and Mark Herring was sworn in as Attorney General.

Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax was also sworn in at Capitol Square.

ODBA member Justin Fairfax is only the second African-American to serve as lieutenant governor. Former Governor and Richmond Mayor Douglas Wilder was the first.

We anticipate Fairfax running for Governor after completion of this term but for now, his main responsibility will be to preside over the state Senate and to break ties when needed.

January 19, 2018 VBA Annual Conference

The ODBA sends congratulations to the VBA on yet another hugely successful Annual Meeting. The ODBA members appreciate the VBA's hospitality at their 128th Annual Meeting in Williamsburg, VA, January 18 - 20, 2018 The Meeting was filled with informative CLEs, great food, wonderful entertainment and fun-loving people.

ODBA members were seen throughout the Meeting and enjoyed all events. Members who were seen enjoying the festivities included Justice B. Goodwyn, Sharon Goodwyn, Justice Powell, Darius Davenport, James "Jim" Guy, VSB President Doris Causey, Judge Marilynn Goss, Judge Angela Roberts, Roscoe Roberts, Cynthia Hudson, and ODBA immediate Past President Helivi Holland. Helivi served as the ODBA representative in the absence of ODBA President Reynolds, due to a scheduling conflict.

Pictures of the fun may be found here >

Congratulations is offered to the newly installed President of the VBA, C.J. Steuart Thomas, and new President-Elect Richard Garriott. An expression of gratitude for his service is extended to the new Immediate Past VBA President James "Jim" Guy, who has been an active member of the ODBA continuously for the last several years. A special offer of appreciation is given to VBA Executive Director Yvonne Cockrum for her congeniality and assistance with all the planning.

More congratulatory expressions are given to Judge Angela Roberts for her induction into the VA Law Foundation(VLF) Fellows Class of 2018 and VSB President Doris Causey for her film debut on the VLF "Rule of Law" video at their dinner on January 18, 2018; Helivi Holland on her election to the Board of Governors of the VBA at the Annual Breakfast Meeting on January 20, 2018; and David Mercer on his successful project of the collection of Pre-K books from all VBA meetings during his Presidency for the distribution to the UP's local reading program.

January 20, 2018 Virginia House of Delegates

Although all members of the Virginia House of Delegates were officially sworn in on Jan. 10, 2018, thirteen new members of the Virginia House of Delegates participated in a celebratory swearing-in ceremony in Richmond, Jan. 20, including a diverse group

Northern Virginia representatives to include ODBA member Jennifer Carroll Foy.

January 27, 2018 - Town Hall Meeting w/Senator Scott Surovell
(D-36) and Delegate Hala Ayala (D-51).

On Saturday, January 28th, ODBA president attended a Town Hall meeting in Prince William County, Virginia to hear Senator Scott Surovell and

Delegate Hala Ayala address concerns of residents, review of their legislative agendas and pending bills, the status of current legislation, and answer questions from concerned citizens.


ODBA December Events

Dec. 1, 2017: VSB President Doris Causey and VBA President David Mercer Speak to the PWCBA

ODBA President attended the PWCBA Luncheon with guest speakers and ODBA members, Doris Henderson Causey, Virginia State Bar President and David S. Mercer, President of the Virginia Bar Association.  Causey and Mercer provided PWCBA with updates on issues of importance at their respective state bar associations.

Dec. 4, 2017:  NOVABAA Interviews Candidates for the PWC CC Judicial Vacancy

ODBA President sat with NOVABAA members and interviewed candidates for the Prince William County Circuit Court Judicial Vacancy.  Several members interviewed for the vacancy, to include two ODBA members.

Dec. 5, 2017: First Day in Practice and Beyond Seminar

ODBA President Elect, Stacy Lee and other members of ODBA hosted a table, provided information and brochures to attorneys that attended the 2017 First Day in Practice and Beyond Seminar.  The seminar offered practice tips on various types of law, law office management and courtroom expectations specifically part together for new lawyers.

Dec. 6, 2017: Northern Virginia Chapter of the VWAA Hosts Annual Holiday Reception

The party was very well attended at the Atrium at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, VA.  Several ODBA members were in attendance.

Dec. 8, 2017: The PWC VWAA Hosts a Christmas Party at the Irving Law Firm, PC.

The party was very well attended at the Irving Law Firm, PC in Manassas Va.  Several ODBAS members were in attendance.

Dec. 11, 2017: EB Officers Honor Election Officers Serving 20+ Years in PWC, VA

ODBA President who is also Vice Chair of the PWC Electoral Board hosted a reception with Chairman Robin Williams,  Secretary Keith Scarborough of the PWC Electoral Board and the Registrar, Michele White.  The group honored all election officers that have served the county for 20 years or more with their volunteer service working elections. Delegate Elect Hala Ayala of the 51st District was also in attendance to salute the officers.

Dec. 12, 2017: Meeting with Delegate Torian

ODBA President and other members met with Delegate Luke Torian of the 52nd district to discuss the judicial vacancy in PWC and funding for an additional judge.

Dec. 13, 2017: NOVABAA/HBA Joint Holiday Party

ODBA President attended the joint holiday party hosted by NOVABAA and HBA at the Sherwood Community Center in Fairfax, VA.  The party was well attended by many attorneys, judges and friends. A good time was had by all.

Dec. 16, 2017: PWC Black Business Expo

ODBA President along with ODBA members Traci Jones and Voneka Bennett hosted an ODBA table at the PW NAACP Black Business Expo. The Expo was held at Ebenzer Baptist Church in Woodbridge, Va and over 60 black businesses were in attendance. ODBA was able to promote the Association and hand out brochures to those individuals that wanted to know more about the Association. A number of potential clients have contacted the ODBA for referrals and have been referred to the appropriate attorneys.  Look for the new referral service to be implemented soon.

On Dec. 19, 2017: PWC Commonwealth Attorneys’ Office Holds Annual Christmas Party

ODBA President attended the PWC Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Office annual Christmas Party at a firehouse in PWC. The party was well attended, to include many ODBA members in attendance. A good time was had by all.


ODBA member Karen (Turner) McWilliams is the head labor & employment attorney for SAIC. SAIC, which is headquartered in Reston, VA, provides government services and information technology support, www.saic.com. 

Karen also serves on the Board of Directors of the National Capitol Region of YearUp!, www.yearup.org, which provides urban young adults (18-24 yrs.) a chance to close the opportunity divide through training and mentorships. 

Karen is on the campaign steering committee for her alma mater, the George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School. Karen is the Eastern Region Parliamentarian Jack and Jill of America, Inc., an appointment she has held since 2017. 

In 2015, Karen was elected the 21st President of the Reston Virginia Chapter of (RVA JJOA). The RVA Chapter hosted the Southern Mothers Cluster Work Day on Saturday, October 21, 2017 which was the largest cluster of Jack & Jill Mothers in the Eastern Region, since the inception of the organization, 

Congratulations Mrs. McWilliams and keep up the good work!

The judicial luncheon was held on this day and hosted by ODBA member, the Honorable Rossie D. Alston , Jr., Judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Judge Alston has graciously served as host of the judicial luncheon a number of times.  He never ceases to amaze us and that is why we seek him out so often. This conference was no exception. Judge Alston’s speech was moving, motivating and entertaining.  ODBA member, the Honorable Marjorie T. Arrington, Judge of the Chesapeake Circuit Court, was wonderful at Mistress of Ceremonies and the Honorable Petula C. Metzler, Judge of the Prince William County General District Court introduced Judge Alston and captured everyone with her wit.  Pastor/Delegate Luke Torian gave the invocation and spoke very highly of Judge Alston.  Last, Judge Alston and ODBA member, the Honorable Janice J. Wellington of the Prince William County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court received the President’s award at the luncheon for their passion to the profession, mentorship, dedication and excellence in service on and off the bench. 

Friday evening, conference attendees were transported to see MA RAINEY’S BLACK BOTTOM, a play featuring ODBA member, the Honorable William T Newman, Chief Judge of the Arlington County Circuit Court.  Judge Newman is not only an outstanding jurist but an outstanding actor.  A good time was had by all.  ODBA was able to host the reception at the play and fellowship with Judge Newman and the rest of the actors before and after the play.

On Saturday, June 3, 2017, the Honorable Rossie D. Alston, Jr. and the Honorable David Bernhard of the Fairfax County Circuit Court provided us with an outstanding, first rate seminar on Appellate Practice and Pitfalls.  This was a must see seminar for anyone doing any trial work.  ODBA member, the Honorable Wilford Taylor of the Hampton Circuit Court enlightened us with his jurist savvy and knowledge of the Civil Case Review of the Supreme Court of Virginia.  There is a reason why he is sought out by so many to speak. ODBA executive board member Attorney Darius Davenport also did an outstanding job providing us with information we must know concerning Cyber Security in Law Firms.  Immediately following this CLE was the President’s luncheon.  ODBA lifetime member, the Honorable Angela Edwards Roberts, Ret Judge of the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court was wonderful at Mistress of Ceremonies.  The invocation was given by Attorney Chester Banks.  ODBA member, the Honorable Gerald Bruce Lee of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division was the keynote speaker and also recipient of the President’s Award.  Judge Lee announced that he would be retiring in the month of September and spoke about his journey on and off the bench. Judge Lee also spoke about how he got sick in January 2017 and that is when after speaking with family members, he decided he would retire this year.  Judge Lee is looking forward to enjoying his beautiful wife and ODBA member, Attorney Edna Ruth Vincent (who is also retiring), his children and grandchildren.  Judge Lee’s speech was nothing short of awe-inspiring.  He received the President’s award for his leadership, expertise and willingness to help and mentor others. In fact, he had mentored more than half of the conference attendees to include a number of the judges.  After lunch, Attorneys Christina Parrish and Veronica Brown-Moseley gave us information that all practicing attorneys need to know dealing with the Intersections with Bankruptcy. Even if you do not practice in the area of Bankruptcy, the information intersected with many practice areas.

On Saturday evening, there was a pre-banquet reception.  Members gathered once again to fellowship and toast Doris H. Causey. She was the highlight of the conference.  The banquet started out with a welcome by ODBA member, the Honorable Marilynn C. Goss, Judge of the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, who was also Mistress of Ceremonies.  Greetings were extended by ODBA, NBA, VSB Presidents, VTLA President-Elect and the President of the Urban League Guild of Hampton Roads. The invocation was given by ODBA member, the Honorable Roger L. Gregory of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.  Judge Gregory also received the L. Douglas Wilder Vanguard Award (named after his former partner), which is ODBA’s highest award.  Judge Gregory received the award for his outstanding achievement which exemplifies his role in the forefront of the profession. Judge Gregory’s good friend and ODBA member, Attorney Bruce Sams, did the honors of presenting the award to Judge Gregory. 

The Keynote speaker of the banquet was Cornell William Brooks, President & CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).  President Brooks' speech was inspiring, encouraging, uplifting and stimulating. He talked about his platform and what he had accomplished as President. He spoke about not only how far we have come but how far we have to go. The fight is not over. We all learned something from President Brooks.

ODBA Executive board member Clarence H. Brooks (Lifetime Member/Treasurer) received the ODBA Member of the Year award and ODBA member and Committee Chair, Karl Doss received the Harold Marsh Sr. Community Service Award. The awards given to these individuals were well thought out and very much deserved.  Doris Causey was also recognized as we saluted her as incoming President (the first African-American woman elected) of the Virginia State Bar.  ODBA has many members that are noted as the 1st African American and now Ms. Causey joins that distinguished group of individuals.

The night ended with President Reynolds recapping the events of the conference, thanking ODBA members Committee Co-Chairs S. Howard Woodson (Past President) and Pia J. Miller (Secretary) for a great conference.  A special thank you was also given to those ODBA committee members who graciously accepted the call for help, Clarence Brooks (Lifetime member/Treasurer), Stacy Lee (Lifetime member/President-Elect), Chidi James (Committee Chair/host of Play/driver) and Judge Alston (Judicial luncheon).  Judges Marilynn C. Goss, Marjorie Arrington, Angela Edwards Roberts, Rossie D. Alston, Jr., Gerald Bruce Lee and Roger L. Gregory also received a special note of thanks from the President for always availing themselves without hesitation whenever asked to do so.

President Reynolds acknowledged and thanked non-ODBA members and non-attorneys who helped out throughout the conference with sponsoring the hospitality suite food and drinks, putting the journal and programs together, purchasing some gifts and driving participants to the play: Stephanie Rogers, Candy Fenn, Janet Carr, Johnda Scott Adams and Mario Reynolds.

Thanks were given to our Exhibitors and Vendors: VTLA, The Hat Lady and Sassy’s Gifts. 

This event would not have been made possible with out our Sponsors:  Dominion Energy, Inc., Banks and Associates, McCammon Group, LTD, Virginia CLE, Brooks Law Firm, Bean Kinney & Korman, Gee Law Firm, 24/7 Bail Bonds, Law Offices of J.M. Reynolds, PLLC, Blankingship & Keith, Virginia Barristers Alliance, Inc., South Hampton Roads Bar Association, Asian Pacific American Bar Association (APABA), Northern Virginia Black Attorneys Association (NOVABAA), Bugg Law Firm, Manassas Law Group, The Daughtery Law Firm, P.C., Fullerton & Knowles, PC, Angela Bowser and the Virginia State Bar.

Last, many, many thanks were given to our Event Planner, Courtney Holeman of Your Stylish Affair throughout the conference. Courtney and her team did all that was requested of them and more. Thanks again to Your Stylish Affair for a wonderful conference.

Celebrating the Career of Civil Rights Pioneer Clarence M. Dunnaville, Jr. (Fellow ’13)


(from the Virginia Law Foundation website >)

Helivi L. Holland elected to serve on the Board of the Local Government Attorneys of Virginia, Inc. (LGA)

We are pleased to announce that ODBA Immediate Past President Helivi L. Holland, City Attorney for the City of Suffolk, was elected to serve on the Board of the Local Government Attorneys of Virginia, Inc. (LGA) at its Spring Conference held at Wintergreen, April 27 – 29, 2017. 

LGA was founded in 1975 and consists of more than 800 public and private attorneys representing cities, counties, and towns of the Commonwealth as their civil legal counsel.

ODBA Partners with the Virginia State Bar Access to Justice Committee to Host the Bridging the Justice Gap Seminar

SEPT. 12, 2017

The Virginia State Bar Access to Justice Committee and the Old Dominion Bar Association co-sponsored a free seminar – with three MCLE hours pending – called “Bridging the Justice Gap through Pro Bono” on September 12 in Richmond.

The seminar was led by Karl Doss, John Whitfield and Randy Rollins and covered topics including the misconceptions about pro bono, the Rules of Professional Conduct as they pertain to pro bono and the ways lawyers may get involved with helping Virginians of low income and modest means obtain access to justice.

The program was an overwhelming success thanks to our 3 presenters.  There were 68 attorneys in attendance. Thanks to this seminar, we are all more likely to provide pro bono services to indigent clients.

ODBA 77th Annual Meeting

Old Dominion Bar Association held its Annual Meeting at the award winning Embassy Suites Hotel in Springfield Virginia June 1-4, 2017.  “Promoting Excellence, Diversity and Civility in the Legal Profession” was the theme of this year’s Annual Meeting. 

On Thursday, June 1st, the conference started off by ODBA celebrating ODBA’s Executive Board Member, Doris H. Causey, who is now the First African-American Woman elected President of the Virginia State Bar.  The celebration started at 7pm and went until almost midnight.  A number of people came out to celebrate Doris to include many judges and politicians.  ODBA member, the Honorable Marilynn C. Goss of the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court did the honors of introducing our new President of the VSB and her very good friend, Doris H. Causey.

On Friday, June 2nd, after a welcome from Jane Reynolds (ODBA President), Kevin Judd (NBA President), Michael Robinson (VSB President), Bryan Slaughter (VTLA President elect) and Marcus Scriven (Urban League Guild of Hampton Roads President), The Honorable Scott A. Surovell (Senator/38th District) started the day by sharing with us legislative updates.  Senator Surovell kept everyone’s attention with his wisdom and keen sense of knowledge of the updates we need to know.  ODBA member (Ret) Judge Cunningham was also very knowledgeable, informing and entertaining as he presented on the Ethical Advocacy in Mediation. 

Twenty-First Annual American University, Washington College of Law Sylvania Woods Conference Conference on African Americans and the Law

On Tuesday, April 27, 2017, a great time was had at the Twenty-First Annual Sylvania Woods Conference on Africans Americans and the Law at American University Washington College of Law. Congratulations Dean Camille Nelson on another wonderful program and congratulations to all of our Awardees. Sherry Weaver, you will be missed. Your hard work never went unnoticed. Thank you ODBA member Honorable Gerald Bruce Lee for your contributions to our school (presidential appointment and unanimous senate confirmation in 1998). We are so proud of you and your accomplishments.

February 2017 Bar Council Meeting 

The Virginia State Bar Council met in Richmond at the Omni Hotel on February 25, 2017.  The meeting was led by President Michael W. Robinson. 

The council approved the proposed amendments to the Clients’ Protection Fund (“CPF”). The amendments will improve the structure and organization of the rules and procedures and the processing of claims of the CPF. The council also approved the proposed amendments to Rules 7.1-7.5 of the Rules of Professional Conduct that govern lawyer advertising. The amendments are in response to the rise of Internet marketing and communications. All of the proposed amendments will be presented to the Supreme Court of Virginia for its review and approval. 

ODBA President Jane M Reynolds attended the meeting and the Bar Council Dinner at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts on February 24th. For a full report of the Bar Council meeting, please go to:  


ODBA President attends the Virginia Bar Association Conference in Williamsburg, VA where David S. Mercer was sworn in as the 129th President

Partial story and photo from vba.org >

On January 21, 2017, the Virginia Bar Association (VBA) installed David S. Mercer as its 129th president in Williamsburg,VA. Mercer is a principal of MercerTrigiani, an Alexandria-based law firm.

Three other members of Virginia’s first and largest statewide voluntary organization of lawyers and judges also began one-year terms as officers:

  • C.J. Steuart Thomas III of Staunton as president-elect,
  • Richard E. Garriott Jr. of Virginia Beach as chair of the Board of Governors, and
  • James Patrick Guy II as immediate past president.

Mercer spoke about his excitement to be leading the VBA, an organization that has served so many to include members of the judicial and legislative communities, as well as students and teaching at Virginia’s outstanding law schools. He also spoke about the relocation of the headquarters to Richmond, Virginia called VBA on Main.

During the VBA Annual Meeting on January 19th, our very own immediate past president, Helivi Holland, and ODBA member James (Jim) Patrick Guy, II, were inducted as Fellows in a Virginia Law Foundation (VLF) ceremony. The Fellows of the VLF are recognized as leaders in the profession, in their practices and their communities.

Congratulations to all and we look forward to continuing to work closely with the VBA.

"Making Black History Award" Given to President Holland and Member Scriven

Congratulations is extended to our President, Helivi L. Holland, and our Member W. Marcus Scriven on their receipt of Regent BLSA's Joyce Marie Plemmer Making Black History Award. Attorney Joyce Marie Plemmer was the first black attorney to graduate from Regent University. Last year, the law school recognized her and honored two of the ODBA's Judicial Members, Judges Teresa Hammons and Tanya Bullock. This year's awards were presented on February 26, 2016, in Regent University's Library Atrium at a dinner attended by more than 140 persons, including several ODBA members and our webmaster.

The announcement of the award from the BLSA chapter read that "these recipients were chosen because they embody the courage, boldness, and community spirit of the Black Law Students Association. They have also been consistent conduits of service opportunities for the student leadership of BLSA by introducing students to other attorneys and judges in order to establish one-on-one mentorship connections and by participating in forums from which to glean invaluable wisdom pertaining to the practice of law." 

Pictured are Holland and Scriven and Holland, Plemmer and Scriven. President Holland is the first female and the first black City Attorney for the City of Suffolk. Member Scriven is a sole practitioner with law licenses in Virginia, California, South Carolina and DC.

Congratulations to winners of the ODBA 2015 Scholarship Essay Competition Winners

The ODBA is pleased to extend congratulations to the winners of the Inaugural Scholarship Essay Competition Winners. Entries were received from two of Virginia’s Law School, Liberty University Law School and Regent University Law School.  The winner for Liberty University is L. Hayes Wallace, 2L and the winner for Regent University is Venecia Patterson, 2L. Each winner from the each law school was recognized at the 2016 Winter

 Meeting on January 30, 2016.  The winners received their awards of a plaque and $400 at the Luncheon of the Winter Meeting. 

Additionally, the announcement of the overall winner for law schools in Virginia was shared at the Luncheon.  A special congratulations is extended to L. Hayes Wallace for her award winning essay.  In addition to the previous mentioned award, Ms. Wallace will receive free registration and lodging at our Annual Meeting in Virginia Beach.  Ms. Wallace will read her essay at our annual banquet on June 4, 2016.

A special thanks is extended to our judges for the competition, Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, S. Bernard Goodwyn; Judge of the Portsmouth General District Court, Roxie Holder; and President-Elect of the ODBA, Jane Reynolds.

Read more about our winners below:

ODBA 2015 Scholarship Essay Competition Winners

Letiequa Hayes Wallace, 2L – Liberty University Law School

Letiequa Hayes Wallace is a native of New York but has called Virginia her home for the past 15 years. In 2011, she graduated from Hampton University, with a BA in Political Science. Shortly after graduation she worked as an executive assistant to the legal and human resources team at Jefferson Lab before finally pursing her dream of going to law school.  She is currently a second year law student at Liberty University School of Law, in Lynchburg Virginia. During her 1L year she received recognition from the Virginia Law Foundation because of her commitment and  desire of public interest law.

In the summer of her 1L year L. Hayes was fortunate enough to procure an internship at the Pittsylvania County Commonwealth Attorney's office in Chatham, Virginia. During her internship she had the opportunity to contribute and experience first-hand the area of law to which she has such high regards. Upon graduation L. Hayes aspires to pursue a career in criminal law and civil rights advocacy. 

When L. Hayes is not busy studying the law, she enjoys leisure reading, volunteering in her community, and spending time with family, which includes a loving husband and son, as well as friends

Venecia Patterson, 2L – Regent University Law School

Venecia Patterson is a native of Northern Virginia but moved with her family to Memphis, Tennessee at the age of 5. After being homeschooled from second grade through high school, she attended Southwest Tennessee Community College, earning an Associate’s Degree in one year. After graduating summa cum lauded with a degree in Paralegal Studies, she continued her studies at the University of Memphis earning a BS in Professional Studies: Paralegal Services, also summa cum laude. Venecia worked at a large personal injury law firm in Tennessee for a little over four years before applying and being accepted at Regent University School of Law In 2014.               

While in law school, Venecia has enjoyed a variety of experiences, including being a staff editor for the Regent University School of Law Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy, an associate member of the Trial Advocacy Board, membership in several organizations including BLSA and the Federalist Society, and is currently employed as a law clerk for the American Center for Law and Justice.

Old Dominion Bar Association Congratulates the New President of the Virginia State Bar

June 18, 2016

Photo and story by Virginia State Bar News.

Michael W. Robinson, of Tysons Corner, is the Virginia State Bar’s new president. He heads a state agency that regulates and supports 49,000 Virginia lawyers.

Robinson was sworn in June 17 during the VSB’s Annual Meeting in Virginia Beach.

Robinson, a partner with Venable LLC, has been serving as the 19th District representative on the VSB Council and as chair of the Standing Committee on Legal Ethics. He previously served as chair of the Special Committee on Bench-Bar Relations and has been on the faculty of the Professionalism Course.

He also is a member of the Fairfax County Bar Association.

Robinson is a graduate of George Mason University, where he received a B.A. in philosophy. His law degree is also from George Mason University.

His practice focuses on commercial disputes, business torts, and the protection of intellectual property rights.

He is married to Courtney R. Robinson and has five children.

June 2016 - 76th Annual Meeting in Virginia Beach

Old Dominion Bar Association held its 76th Annual Meeting at the Wyndham Virginia Beach OceanFront Hotel in Virginia Beach on June 2-5, 2016, where judges, lawyers, law students and friends from    Virginia and surrounding areas gathered for four days of fellowship, luncheons, meetings, and workshops.

The Conference chairs, Artisha Gregg, Esq., and Kim Crump Esq. did an outstanding job, starting the conference off on Thursday with a Golf Tournament.  The Golf Tournament was well attended with some of the proceeds going to scholarship recipients.

Friday’s activities included continuing legal education seminars and the President’s Luncheon.  Reverend Dr. Steven G. Blunt of First Baptist Church, Mahan Street was the keynote speaker. Holland presented the President’s Award of Merit to our past and current Treasurer, Clarence Brooks in recognition of and appreciation for his hard work, dedication and efficiency in handling the responsibilities of that office. The     seminars continued on Saturday followed by the Judicial Luncheon.  The keynote speaker was the Honorable Raymond A. Jackson of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. Judge Jackson enlightened us with his words of wisdom and how to succeed in federal court.   

New officers and executive committee members were elected during Saturday’s business meeting.  The officers are President, Jane M. Reynolds, Esq., who was sworn in by the Honorable Rossie D. Alston, Jr. of the Court of Appeals of Virginia; President-Elect, Stacy E. Lee, Esq., Secretary, Pia J. Miller, Esq., and Treasurer, Clarence H. Brooks, Esq. Helivi L. Holland, Esq. is Immediate Past President.  Additional Executive Committee members are: Doris Henderson Causey, Esq., Darius K. Davenport, Esq., Shari King-Casey, Esq., Kiah D. Spinks, Esq., Bruce C. Sams, Esq., Angela P. Bowser, Esq., Joan Ziglar, Esq., Jordan E. McKay, Esq., Tonnie R. Villines, Esq., Donald J. Gee, Esq., and Leonard L. Brown, Jr. Board members present were sworn in by the Honorable D. Eugene Cheek, Chief Judge of the Richmond Criminal General District Court.

The Honorable Roger Gregory of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit was the keynote speaker for the concluding banquet Saturday evening. Judge Gregory is a past president of the Old Dominion Bar Association, a past rector of and has served on the Board of Visitors for Virginia Commonwealth University, has served on the Board of Visitors of Virginia State University and also as an adjunct professor of Constitutional Law.  He served on the Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary Commission established by the President and Congress to commemorate that landmark decision.  Judge Gregory has received numerous awards, to include the National Bar Association’s prestigious Gertrude E. Rush and Equal Justice Awards and the National Conference of Christians and Jews Humanitarian Award.  He received the Thurgood Marshall Award of Excellence.  He was awarded the William Green Award for Professional Excellence from the University of Richmond School of Law.  Judge Gregory presently serves on the Board of Trustees of the University of Richmond, is an active member of Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Petersburg, Virginia, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Beta Boule.  Judge Gregory is the only judge to have ever been appointed to the same judicial seat by two presidents of different political parties (Clinton and Bush) and will be Chief Judge July 2016.  Judge Gregory’s speech was informative as well as enlightening and inspirational. We were blessed to have him as our keynote speaker.

we also want to thank the following presidents and ODBA members that joined our conference:

  • Michael W Robinson, newly elected President of the Virginia State Bar
  • James (Jim) Patrick Guy II, President of the Virginia Bar Association
  • Stephanie E. Grana, President of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association
  •  Leonard Myers II, President of the South Hampton Roads Bar Association  
  • Wayne Marcus Scriven, President of the Urban League Guild of Hampton Roads

Members, guests and friends were further entertained with a Liturgical Dance by the 112 M.V.P. Mime Ministry and we were honored with the National Anthem by Booker T. Washington High School Color Guard, Presentation of Colors.

Law Student Letiequa Hayes Wallace, a 2L at Liberty University School of Law, was awarded for her winning essay entitled “Hands Up” by the Honorable Bernard Goodwyn of the Supreme Court of Virginia, the Honorable Roxie O. Holder of Portsmouth General District Court and Jane M. Reynolds, President of the Old Dominion Bar Association, judges of the contest.

The Old Dominion Br Association gave out 3 awards to individuals that continue to go above and beyond what is required of them. Our     outgoing President, Helivi L. Holland, received the L. Douglas Wilder Vanguard Award for her outstanding achievements in the profession; our member, Wayne Marcus Scriven received the Harold Marsh Sr. Community Service Award for his work in the legal profession, community, church and civic organizations; and our member and new Lifetime member, the Honorable Angela Edwards Roberts received the Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of more than 30 years of service and contributions on and off the bench. She has contributed significantly toward the development of laws and/or legislation, which continue to have a favorable impact upon the community.  Rhonda Spady also became a new lifetime ODBA member.

Congressman Bobby Scott, who represents the 3rd District of Virginia is a member of the Old Dominion Bar Association and was in            attendance for the conference.

On Saturday night, the Bid Whist and Spades contests continued in the hospitality suite until about 3am Sunday morning.  Members still made it to the first business meeting of the new program year at 9am that morning.  The meeting was open to all members and well attended.  Members adjourned to join their guests and families for fellowship  during the Sunday Send-Off brunch.

WT Mason Charity Golf Tournament

Old Dominion Bar Association would like to give a huge thank you to Eva N Juncker of Millennium Diversity Initiative Inc. for organizing the WT Mason Charity Golf Tournament at its 76th Annual Convention on June 2, 2016 at the Virginia Beach National Golf Course in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Without the hard work and dedication of Eva N. Juncker, this event, would not have been possible or as successful.

ODBA and  VSB Pro Bono Webinar: Making the Case for Pro Bono: The Justice Gap, Rule 6.1, and Virginia's New Online Pro Bono Website  

Registration for the VSB/ODBA Pro Bono Webinar is now open. The program has been approved for 1.5 hours of MCLE ethics credit on the topic of Making the Case for Pro Bono: The Justice Gap, Rule 6.1, and Virginia's New Online Pro Bono Website.

This is an ODBA first and let’s show an enormous amount of participation. There is no registration fee to attend but registrants will be asked to certify that they will register for the online pro bono website, accept a pro bono referral from a legal services organization or make a financial donation to a legal aid office.

Please register for Making the Case for Pro Bono: The Justice Gap, Rule 6.1, and Virginia's New Online Pro Bono Website on May 24, 2016 1:00 PM EDT at:


Thanks is given to ODBA Member Karl Doss for his leadership in making this webinar available to our members and anyone else interested.

A great time at the VBA Annual Meeting...in spite of the blizzard

With the snow made Williamsburg look like a winter wonderland to all who attended the events of the 126th VBA Annual Meeting from January 21 - 23, 2016. Congratulations is extended to ODBA member "Pete" Johnson, III for an outstanding year as President of the VBA and congratulations and best wishes is extended to ODBA member James Patrick Guy, II as he begins his Presidency of the VBA.

The commitment of comradery between the ODBA and VBA was apparent as President Guy asked ODBA President Helivi L. Holland and her mother Col. (Ret.) Lula B. Holland to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at his swearing-in ceremony.  Additionally, a highlight of the Meeting was the presentation of the VBA's highest award, The Gerald Baililes Distinguished Service Award, to ODBA member Retired Virginia Supreme Court Justice John Charles Thomas.

A hardy expression is extended to the VBA for the great hospitality that was extended throughout the weekend.

2016 Winter Meeting – Wonderful Time in Williamsburg

The 2016 Winter Meeting was absolutely wonderful. 

The time together started with a great hospitality suite reception that LexisNexis helped provide. Cozy with a fireplace blazing, everyone enjoyed the food, drinks and conversation.

Saturday was a full day of discussion, CLEs, eating, laughing with old friends and conversing with new friends.  All 4.5 hours of CLEs received rave reviews regarding the subject matter and the presenters.  The law school students expressed enjoyment with all aspects of the weekend.  Special thanks is expressed to our host, William & Mary School of Law, for their most gracious hospitality.

ODBA Lifetime Member Featured 

Congratulations to lifetime member Judge Angela Roberts for being featured in Richmond Justice. Each week in 2016, this site revealed a new portrait and story about a Richmonder whose life is shaped in some way by the justice system.

ODBA President Featured in NVBCC Business Highlight of the Week

December 13, 2016

View the highlight here >

Lawyer's Weekly recognizes ODBA Member Patice Holland as Up & Coming Lawyer 2016

Patice L. Holland, is the first African-American female principal in Woods Rogers’ Roanoke office  She has a diverse litigation practice and experience. She is licensed in Virginia, Florida and Washington, DC.

Patice is the Roanoke (Va.) Bar Association’s Young Lawyer of the Year for 2016. Virginia Super Lawyers selected her as a “Rising Star” in 2015 and 2016.  In 2014, she was awarded the Rev. F.E. Alexander Award for Excellence in Business by the Roanoke Chapter of the Urban Professional League (UPL).

In addition to her membership in Old Dominion Bar Association, Patice is a member of the American Bar Association, Florida Bar Association, Roanoke Bar Association, Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys and Virginia Bar Association where she is the Transportation Law Section Council, Chair and Membership Co-Chair (23rd Judicial Circuit). 

Congratulations to Patice in her selection for the first class of Up & Coming Lawyer by Virginia Lawyer’s Weekly.

Old Dominion Bar Association Congratulates the South Hampton Roads Bar Association

June 30, 2016

The Virginia State Bar has named the South Hampton Roads Bar Association (SHRBA) the recipient of the Bar Association of the Year Award.

L Tyrone Myers writes: It was a pleasure to present the South Hampton Roads Bar Association Inaugural Bar Leaders Award to Judge Jerrauld C. Jones of the Norfolk Circuit Court for "Judge of the Year" with the assistance of the President-Elect of the Virginia State Bar, Doris H. Causey. Even more proud as outgoing president of the South Hampton Roads Bar Association to have lead the bar to recognition by the Virginia State Bar as the "Best Local Bar Association in Virginia." Its been a great year. Thank you to the New Journal and Guide for covering our Annual Meeting and Awards Presentation. Thank you God, for everything.

Congratulations to Judge Jones, Doris H. Causey and the South Hampton Roads Bar Association for your hard work and leadership! 

We thank our fellow bar Presidents of the VSB, VBA, and VTLA  and the NBA Region IV Director for attending and providing such warm greetings.  Additionally, we congratulate L. H. Wallace of Liberty University Law School for winning the 2015 Scholarship Essay Competition for all law schools in Virginia.  Venecia Patterson was the winner for Regent University Law School.

Remember that you can make more ODBA memories at the 2016 Annual Meeting being held in Virginia Beach from June 2 – 5, 2016.  Click here to register now >

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors


  • College William & Mary School of Law
  • Dean Davison Douglas & Staff



  • Bean, Kinney & Korman, PC
  • Joe Fernandes, CFP
  • Clarence Brooks, Esq.
  • John E. Lichtenstein, Esq., President of VTLA


  • Beverly Burton, Esq.
  • James P. Guy, II, President of VBA
  • Ternon Galloway Lee, Esq.
  • Helivi L. Holland, Esq.
  • Harry M. “Pete” Johnson, III, Immediate Past President of VBA
  • The Honorable Bonnie L. Jones, Judge
  • Jane Reynolds, Esq.


  • The Honorable Marilynn Goss, Judge
  • The Honorable Roxie Holder, Judge
  • Stacy E. Lee, Esq.
  • William T. Mason, Esq.
  • Doris Causey, Esq. Col.
  • (Ret.) Lula B. Holland
  • The Honorable Cressondra Conyers, Judge 
  • The Honorable Angela Roberts, Judge
  • Donald J. Gee, Esq. 
  • Bruce E. Robinson, Esq.
  • Earl J. Gee, Esq. 
  • Conjo Galloway Whitney
  • Curtis M. Hairston, Esq. 
  • Karla Williams, Esq.
  • Charlotte Hodges, Esq. 
  • Simone T. Williams, Esq.
  • The Honorable Roxie Holder, Judge

Congratulations to Judge Spencer

October 2015

Congratulations is extended to U.S. District Court Judge James R. Spencer who was named the “Leader of the Year” for 2015 in the Virginia Lawyers Weekly “Leaders in the Law” program Oct. 29, 2015.

Congratulations to Judge Jamison

November 2015

Congratulations is extended to General District Court for Richmond, VA, Judge Birdie H. Jamison on her retirement and the unveiling of her portrait on November 20, 2015.

Full statement from Judge Martin Clark in his decision to remove the portrait of General J.E.B. Stuart from the courthouse in Patrick County.

August 2015

On August 19, 2015, I personally removed General J. E. B. Stuart’s portrait from the Patrick County Circuit Court’s courtroom.

This will no doubt anger, perplex and disappoint many residents of our county, perhaps even the majority of people who live here. It will be an unpopular decision in many quarters, especially given that the courthouse is located in a town named in Stuart’s honor. Still, it is my goal—and my duty as a judge—to provide a trial setting that is perceived by all participants as fair, neutral and without so much as a hint of prejudice. Confederate symbols are, simply put, offensive to African Americans, and this reaction is based on fact and clear, straightforward history. Bigotry saturates the Confederacy’s founding principles, its racial aspirations and its public pronouncements. For instance, the Declarations of Causes—the legal and philosophical grounds recited by the Southern states for leaving the Union—could just as easily be called The South’s Demands to Mistreat Black People. South Carolina, according to its declaration, felt wronged because of “an increasing hostility on the part of non-slaveholding states to the institution of slavery,” and, ironically, complained that the federal government had “denounced as sinful the institution of slavery.” Mississippi’s main reason for leaving the Union is unmistakably framed and repeated early and often in its causes document: “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest in the world.” The Mississippi document goes on to condemn the notion of “negro equality, socially and politically,” and finds fault with Mississippi residents being denied “the right of property in slaves.” Georgia listed its grievances “with reference to the subject of African slavery,” and insisted on its right to hold slaves. The single specific injury mentioned in Virginia’s actual Secession Ordinance is “the oppression of the Southern slaveholding states.” And, finally, lest there be any doubt exactly whyblack Americans might legitimately find the symbols of the Confederacy unsettling, here are the words of the Confederacy’s Vice President, Alexander Stephens, on the subject of slavery and race: “Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.”

I have heard from several of my local friends that people—like myself—who are critical of Confederate symbols need “to read the real history.” I have. I’ve cited it above in black and white from the actual Confederate documents. Virginia Tech historian and Civil War authority James “Bud” Robertson taught his students that “slavery was unquestionably the primary cause of the war.” I’ve read how Confederate flags waived in the galleries after the Virginia legislature passed its racist, embarrassing and unconstitutional Massive Resistance scheme. When George Wallace proclaimed “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,” he invoked Jefferson Davis, the “Cradle of the Confederacy” and the “great Anglo-Saxon Southland.” It seems pretty apparent how Governor Wallace interpreted the Rebel past. There’s only one “real” history. No group or person has somehow perverted, hijacked or misstated what Confederate emblems represent. From the creation of the Confederacy straight through until today, from Alexander Stephens to Harry Byrd to George Wallace to David Duke, these symbols have always been imbued with the conviction of black inferiority.

Moreover, I’ve never gotten more than mumbles and abstractions when I’ve asked apologists precisely what history I’m overlooking. While the South had other differences with the Union, slavery was at the core of the Civil War, and the South wanted to maintain the subjugation of blacks. It’s a basic narrative if you choose to examine it with an open mind. There’s some focus on economics and much carping about deviation from earlier, underlying Constitutional compacts, but these “states’ rights” assertions by the South are mostly used as predicates to justify and maintain slavery and demand the return of Southerners’ “property” when slaves are discovered in the North. Put differently, the Civil War was about finances and states’ rights in the sense that the departing nation insisted it be allowed to hold and recapture slaves to support its economy. Again, a section from Mississippi’s causes declaration vividly illustrates precisely what economic concerns and what states’ rights were on the South’s agenda: “[Slave] labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.”

Additionally, in the context of the Confederacy, I’m weary of the argument that we shouldn’t remove certain intrusive Civil War symbols because “everybody’s too sensitive and/or everybody is offended by something.” Black men and women have a bona fide, objective, fact-based, historically grounded reason to find Confederate glorification offensive, and almost all of them do in fact take offense.  Me, I’d for sure take issue with the symbols of a nation that believed “slavery subordination to the superior race” was my “natural and normal condition.” African Americans’ distaste for Confederate symbols can hardly be described as an overreaction, contrived or in any way hypersensitive.

The courtroom should be a place every litigant and spectator finds fair and utterly neutral. In my estimation, the portrait of a uniformed Confederate general—and a slave owner himself—does not comport with that essential standard. By way of example, I’ll ask my fellow white Patrick Countians how they’d respond to this scenario: Imagine walking into a courtroom, your liberty at stake, and you discover a black judge, a black bailiff, a black commonwealth’s attorney, a black clerk and a black defense lawyer. You are the only white person there. You peer at the wall, and you see a picture of Malcom X—a Nation of Islam member who preached black superiority and demeaned the white race. What assumptions would you make about that courtroom, the judicial system and the black judge who allowed that portrait to remain on the wall? Would you feel certain that you’d receive fair, unbiased treatment with Malcolm X celebrated and honored in the place where your rights are being adjudicated? I would not, and that’s why General Stuart’s portrait has been removed. Given how fierce and divisive the debate over the Confederate flag has become, it should be obvious that symbols convey powerful meanings to many reasonable people, and we do not need this complication in a courtroom.

This decision, however, does not address another controversial aspect of our courthouse’s history and one of the town’s longstanding practices. For years, various groups have asked permission to appear in the court square, outside, and celebrate certain Confederate events, most notably General Stuart’s birthday. Several years ago, I told the organizers that they could continue to bring and display any of the various Confederate flags, but they were not to fly them on the courthouse pole or leave them behind, nor were they allowed to leave behind any wreaths, objects or decorations containing Confederate themes. This rule was in place well before the horrible church shootings in Charleston, South Carolina, and has nothing whatsoever to do with that awful, heartbreaking event. Needless to say, this restriction was not well received by some members of our community, given that “we’ve always done it that way before.” Notwithstanding how it had always been done before, there are only two flags that should ever be atop what is effectively this county’s flagpole—the American flag and our state flag.

As an aside, it is important to note that both Curtis Spence and Chris Washburn, the main organizers of these events, have always been polite, professional and very courteous—the hue and cry and unhappiness about the ban on flag flying came from other members of our community and never from the organizers. As a further aside, both these men, in my dealings with them, have proven to be solid citizens and completely free of any racial biases or hostilities; their sincere and heartfelt belief is that a Confederate flag is not a racial negative and should not be seen as a racial negative. In this county, a number of other residents—including a few close friends—share that same opinion. I very much disagree with them for the reasons I’ve painstakingly detailed earlier. Their pure hearts and decent intentions can’t trump the Confederacy’s widespread, systemic mistreatment of blacks that is bound up in the flag. This flag was birthed in a nation that insisted it had the right to buy and sell black men and women as if they were doodads and chattel, and earnest, well-meant talk of valor, fate and a Lost Cause will never scrub away those hideous origins.

Despite my disdain for all versions of the Confederacy’s flag, despite the patently offensive character of the these flags, and despite my belief that no one will take us seriously if we continue to insist these emblems represent who we are in 2015, this particular courthouse space—the courtyard—is still the functional equivalent of the town square, a marketplace for speech, ideas and discourse. While we as a legal system and a commonwealth cannot and should not sponsor or endorse what private individuals wish to say, we should also zealously defend their Constitutional right to speak and present their positions. A public space, outside the courtroom, on a weekend or when court is not in session, is a far different creature than the formal place of business for the judiciary. We have had protesters and preachers and charities and politicians, and, yes, people dressed as Confederate soldiers waving a Civil War battle flag all utilize this area—they will all be allowed to return, with the understanding that we as a court system support only their right to speak, not their causes, beliefs, ideologies or missions. While this decision will be thoroughly objectionable to the anti-flag segment of our county, I would suggest to citizens who find any display or perspective troubling that they civilly and constructively stage their own events to present their viewpoints. Minds change and opinions are shaped through education, empathy and compelling argument, not by a court suppressing someone’s right to speech in the most public of forums.

Of course, I realize that my decisions and the actual rulings herein—the permanent removal of the Stuart portrait from the courthouse, the prohibition against running any iteration of a Confederate flag up the courthouse pole, the ban on Confederate articles and memorials after a group has left the square, and the continued opening of the outdoor public square to all comers including those who want to feature General Beauregard’s battle flag—will satisfy virtually no one but will tick off all grades of people.

Finally, I think it’s important to mention my Southern roots and my pride in this region. I’m proud to live in Patrick County, proud to live in the South. I celebrate William Faulkner, Larry Brown and Eudora Welty. I listen to The Allman Brothers and miss B.B. King. I made it a point to meet Dale Earnhardt and get his autograph, I grew up next door to Leonard Wood, and my mother was a Young from Ararat—raised dirt-poor a stone’s throw away from Jeb’s birthplace—who became a magnificent teacher. I caught my first fish in Kibler Valley almost fifty years ago. I’ve had the pleasure of crossing paths with Jerry Baliles, Turner Foddrell, Sammy Shelor, John D. Hooker, Ann Belcher and Annie Hylton, Rev. R. J. Mann, Buddy Dollarhite and John Grisham. I’ve witnessed bake sales and fundraisers and pinto-bean suppers bring in five-figure help for Patrick County friends who happened to catch a bad break. My dad and uncle told me stories about leaving these mountains and volunteering to serve in World War II. That’s the South I want to showcase. I’m proud of our music, our food, our literature, our accomplishments in every possible field, our manners and traditions, our sense of connection with our neighbors, our quiet sacrifices, our grit and courage throughout generations, our savvy and intelligence, and the rhythms, feel and strength of this slice of the world. That’s my Southern heritage, and it’s far, far distant from the battlefields of the 1860s.

Doris Henderson Causey named in the ‘Leaders in the Law’ for Class of 2015

August 2015

Virginia Lawyers Media, the publisher of Virginia Lawyers Weekly, has announced the 2015 Class of “Leaders in the Law.”

Now in its 10th year, this awards program recognizes the lawyers across the commonwealth who are setting the standard for other lawyers in Virginia. “Leaders” are recognized for changing the law, serving the community, changing practice, or improving Virginia’s justice system, among other accomplishments.

The ODBA is proud to announce that ODBA Executive Committee member Doris Henderson Causey, Managing Attorney of Central Virginia Legal Aid, is in the Class of 2015.  Doris is a graduate of Thurgood Marshall School of Law and has been an Executive Committee Member of the ODBA for more than two terms.  She has served as the ODBA Secretary and has been on several ODBA committees.  Additionally, Doris recently announced her candidacy for the next President-Elect of the Virginia State Bar.

Doris joins other current ODBA Executive Committee Members of previous classes of “Leaders in the Law” to include ODBA President Helivi L. Holland, ODBA Immediate Past President Vinceretta T. Chiles, Past President Beverly Burton, and Executive Committee Member Roscoe Roberts, in addition to other ODBA members that have been recognized.

Congratulations to Doris Henderson Causey.

ODBA Receives LexisNexis Award from VBA

July 25, 2015

The ODBA graciously and proudly accepted the Virginia Bar Association (VBA) LexisNexis Award at the VBA's Summer Conference on July 25, 2015, at the Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, VA.  This award was presented by VBA President Henry "Pete" Johnson III to ODBA President Helivi L. Holland.

The award was given to the ODBA "on the occasion of their 75th anniversary and in recognition of the ODBA's unwavering pursuit of justice through the rule of law."

Present for this auspicious occasion were some of ODBA newest  members, VBA President Henry "Pete" Johnson, III, VBA President-Elect James Patrick Guy, II and Virginia State Bar President Ed Weiner.

Expressions of gratitude were given to the members of the VBA with special recognition to VBA Executive Director Yvonne McGhee.

 VBA gives ODBA its LexisNexis Award

June 2015

This annual honor, formerly called Michie Honorees, has been presented during the Saturday reception of the VBA Summer Meeting since 1982. The award is given for extraordinary leadership and dedication to the legal profession and public service. This year's honoree is the Old Dominion Bar Association, in honor of the group's 75th anniversary. The ODBA, according to its website, developed out of a need to confront a policy that offended personal and professional duty and  from the need for African-American lawyers to associate for personal and professional growth. The VBA recognition will be bestowed Saturday, July 25, between 6:30-7:30 p.m. at a reception sponsored by LexisNexis.

Previous honorees include George K. Martin (2014), the Honorable William C. Mims (2010), Gov. Timothy Kaine (2006), Judge Robert Merhige (2001), Dean Emerson G. Spies (1985) and Justice and Mrs. Lewis F. Powell Jr. (1982).

75th Anniversary Judicial Luncheon Processional

June 2015

To see practically every one of the ODBA Judicial Members proceed into the luncheon in their robes was a tremendous site.

Special appreciation is expressed to The Hon. Marilynn Goss for coordinating the luncheon and The Hon. Angela Roberts for serving as the keynote speaker.

Bruce Robinson, Esq,. Reappointed as ODBA Representative of VLAS Board

March 21, 2015

On March 21, 2015, the ODBA Executive Board voted unanimously to have Bruce Robinson, Esq. reappointed as the ODBA Representative Board Member of the Board of the Virginia Legal Aid Society (VLAS), Lynchburg, VA. Attorney Robinson’s current term expires on June 30, 2015. VLAS, Virginia's largest society, spanning from Henry County to Suffolk was primarily the creation of the ODBA some 40 years ago by the likes of ODBA past and current members James Ghee, Johnny Morrison, Butch Williams, etc. Under the bylaw, local bar associations from the service area and the ODBA appoint the attorney board members. Non-attorney board members are appointed from community based organizations. Terms are for 2 years. VLAS’s Executive Director, David Neumeyer, was elated to hear of the reappointment.

The ODBA thanks Attorney Robinson for his 25+ years of exceptional service.

Regent University BLSA Black History Banquet Honors Two Judicial Members and ODBA

February 20, 2015

ODBA was surprised to receive a gold sponsorship certificate at BLSA’s Making Black History Banquet on February 20, 2015, at Regent University School of Law. Several members, including Clarence Brooks, Darius Davenport, W. T. Mason, Judge Raymond Jackson, W. Marcus Scriven, Judge Alfred Bates, and others with dual membership in the Southampton Roads Bar Association, were present filling three tables. Angelina Moyo, Vice Chair of the Chapter, gave thanks for all of the assistance ODBA has given to the BLSA Chapter this year and the student/attorney/judge contacts that ODBA has facilitated.

Judicial members and alumnae of the law school, Teresa Hammons and Tanya Bullock, were recognized along with the first black graduate of the law school, Dr. Joyce Marie Plummer. ODBA congratulates our Judicial Members Hammons and Bullock for their many accomplishments.

ODBA Attends the Virginia State Bar, Young Lawyer’s Conference Annual Bench Bar Dinner

January 24, 2015 

Every year the Young Lawyer's Conference (YLC) hosts a dinner to honor newly elevated women and minority judges from across the Commonwealth. There is a pre-dinner cocktail reception giving members a chance to interact with judges and other notables in a casual, relaxed atmosphere.

On January 24, 2015, the Old Dominion Bar Association was in full attendance with almost 2 tables at the sold out dinner, which was held at the University of Richmond's Jepson Alumni Center in Richmond.
The honorees included 18 newly appointed and elevated judges from across the Commonwealth. Four of the honorees were current/former members of the ODBA to include, Judges Bryant Sugg, Joi Jeter Taylor, Onzlee Ware and Roderick Young. The keynote speaker, Judge Marla G. Decker of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, spoke about her professional development and her career path to include her job as Virginia's Secretary of Public Safety, Deputy Attorney General for the Public Safety and Enforcement Division of the Office of the Attorney General.

The ODBA congratulates all of the honorees.

ODBA attends the Mid-Atlantic Black Law Students Association (MABLSA) Conference

February 6, 2015

MABLSA hosted its 47th Annual Convention in Tysons Corner, VA from February 4-8, 2015. Students from across the region gathered together. The theme of the Conference was United for Achievement and Progression

The Old Dominion Bar Association was honored to be a part of MABLSA’s conference and had a chance to interact with MABLSA members on February 6.  ODBA members attended a special luncheon where our future leaders of America were able to ask any questions about the law, employment, life after law school, and other questions to ODBA members.  MABLSA members were pleasantly surprised when the Honorable Judge Rossie David Alston, Jr. appeared at the luncheon. The intrigued students took full advantage of his presence by asking numerous questions as he provided valuable information to help them move to the next stage with their education, career path, and life in general.

The MABLSA Regional Convention provides a wonderful opportunity for their members to connect with other scholars from across the region, perform pro-bono community service, participate in advocacy competitions, and engage in workshops related to professionalism.  

The ODBA was honored to participate in this and looks forward to being more involved with MABLSA.  Many thanks are extended to our President-Elect, Jane Reynolds, who coordinated ODBA's participation, and our Executive Committee members and members who attended. 

President-Elect Jane Reynolds appointed to PWC Office of Elections

February 2, 2015

The Circuit Court of Prince William County appointed Jane Reynolds to serve as a member of the PWC Electoral Board effective March 1, 2015, with a term to expire on February 28, 2018. Ms. Reynolds was sworn in by the Clerk of the Court on February 2, 2015, at the PWC Office of Elections.

ODBA Mid-Winter Meeting and Conference 

January 31, 2015

Record numbers attended the Mid-Winter Meeting at Norfolk State University.  In all, 131 registered to attend some parts of the conference.  Praises are still being sent around the Commonwealth about the excellent presenters, the smart and gracious students, and the delicious foods.

Highlights included the law school students and undergraduate students meeting with the law school admissions representatives from College of William and Mary, University of Richmond, and Regent Law Schools, and representatives of the Virginia  Board of Bar Examiners; Ben Crump’s insightful and inspiring speech; attendance by our state and federal legislators; and the extraordinary number of sponsors of our students from the members of the bar and the judiciary.  Additionally, the hospitality bestowed upon ODBA from Norfolk State University (NSU) was more than exceptional.  President of NSU, Eddie Moore, provided greetings and showcased the NSU campus to everyone in attendance.  He expressed the pride of NSU being selected to host such a wonderful event.

Gratitude is expressed to all that attended, sponsored and/or worked in any way to make this Mid-Winter a huge success.

Investiture of ODBA Member Roderick C. Young, United States Magistrate Judge

October 28, 2014

ODBA is pleased and proud to announce that the investiture ceremony for Roderick C. Young as U. S. Magistrate Judge for the Richmond Division of the Eastern District of Virginia will take place on January 16, 2015 at 3:00 pm at the Federal Court House in Richmond.  United States Magistrate Judge Roderick C. Young received his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from George Mason University and his Juris Doctor degree from the West Virginia University College of Law.

He worked as an Assistant Public Defender in Portsmouth, Virginia and as an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney in Richmond, Virginia. He also worked as a Special Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Columbia in that office’s Narcotics and Organized Crime Unit. From 2002 until October 2014, Judge Young worked as an Assistant United States Attorney in Richmond, Virginia. During that time, he prosecuted a number of cases involving international narcotics organizations, racketeering crime, bank robbery, white collar crime, and other violations of federal law. From February 2012 until October 2014, Judge Young served as the Deputy Criminal Supervisor in the Richmond United States Attorney’s Office. He was sworn in as a United States Magistrate on October 28, 2014.

Please attend the ceremony.  President of the ODBA will give words and a special gift to our ODBA member, Judge Young.

Four Virginia judges/ODBA members elected to CLEO Hall of Fame

November 12, 2014

For more than 45 years, the Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) has worked to make the law a more diverse profession by expanding opportunities for underrepresented persons to pursue a legal career.

Some of those CLEO alumni have made it to the highest levels of the profession, and on Nov. 12, CLEO honored a number of them for their contributions to their communities and the profession.

Seven members of the judiciary from the Mid-Atlantic region were be honored as the inaugural class of the “Judges of CLEO” Hall of Fame.

PICTURED (L-R) Hon. Gerald Bruce Lee, Alexandria U.S. District Court; Hon. Eileen A. Olds, Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court; Hon. Raymond A. Jackson, Norfolk U.S. District Court

Washington undefined (Not pictured – Virginia Supreme Court Justice Cleo E. Powell )

The members of the 2014 “Judges of CLEO” Hall of Fame class are:

  • U.S. District Judge Raymond A. Jackson, Norfolk
  • U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee, Alexandria
  • U.S. Magistrate Judge Kenia Seoane Lopez, Washington, DC
  • Juvenile & Domestic Relations Judge Eileen A. Olds, Chesapeake
  • Virginia Supreme Court Justice Cleo E. Powell, Richmond
  • U.S. District Judge Richard Roberts, Washington, DC
  • U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton, Washington, DC

Six of the seven are CLEO alumni; Lee was inducted as an honorary CLEO alumnus.

Since CLEO’s inception in 1968, more than 10,000 students have participated in its pre-law and law school academic support programs, successfully matriculated through law school, passed the bar exam and joined the legal profession. The influence of CLEO alumni in the legal profession is an indication of the important role CLEO has played in helping to provide a voice to underrepresented groups.

Article By: Deborah Elkins November 19, 2014 

Grey to Receive ABA Spirit of Excellence Award

The American Bar Association (ABA) Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession will honor former ABA President Robert J. Grey, Jr. on February 7, 2015 at the ABA’s Midyear Meeting in Houston, Texas. This award recognizes lawyers who work to promote a more racially and ethnically diverse legal profession. A partner in Hunton & Williams, Grey earned his law degree from Washington & Lee University in 1976. Read full story here.

ODBA Ranks Judicial Candidates for the VA Supreme Court and Virginia Court of Appeals

October 21, 2014

The Judicial Selection Committee of Old Dominion Bar Association (ODBA) interviewed and rated candidates for vacancies on the Virginia Supreme Court and the Virginia Court of Appeals on October 21, 2014. ODBA rated the candidates are as follows:

W. Coleman Allen, Jr. Qualified
Hon. Rossie D. Alston Highly Qualified and Recommended
Hon. Randolph A. Beales Highly Qualified
L. Steven Emmert, Esq. Highly Qualified
Hon. Mary Jane Hall Qualified
Hon. D. Arthur Kelsey Highly Qualified and Recommended
Christy McCormick Qualified
Hon. Stephen R. McCullough Highly Qualified

Hon. Chadwick S. Dotson Qualified
Jason Eige, Esq. Qualified
L. Steven Emmert, Esq. Highly Qualified
Richard E. Gardiner Highly Qualified
Hon. Mary Jane Hall Highly Qualified
Hon. Gary A. Hicks Highly Qualified and Recommended
Hon. Christopher W. Hutton Highly Qualified
Hon. Colleen Killilea Qualified
Maureen Madsen, Esq. Qualified
Christy McCormick Qualified
Hon. Stacey Moreau: Qualified
Patricia P. Nagel, Esq. Highly Qualified and Recommended
Hon. Lorraine Norlund Qualified
Hon. Mary Grace O’Brien Highly Qualified
Wesley G. Russell, Esq. Qualified
Elwood Sanders, Esq. Qualified
Hon. Josiah T. Showalter Highly Qualified
Hon. Robert J. Smith Highly Qualified
Virginia Theisen, Esq. Qualified
Note: Some names appear on both lists because they requested to be rated for a seat on both the Virginia Supreme Court and the Virginia Court of Appeals. One candidate, Tom Aldous, did not request to be interviewed by ODBA.

Roscoe Roberts, ODBA Member, to Serve as Legal Counsel for University of Virginia

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring has appointed Roscoe C. Roberts, an experienced attorney with years of service in the public sector – including higher education – as general counsel to the University of Virginia.

Roberts, who has served as legal counsel for Virginia State University since 2003, will join UVA in October.

A 1978 graduate of the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William & Mary, Roberts began his career that year with the Petersburg Legal Aid Society. He served as counsel in civil matters in the cities of Petersburg, Colonial Heights, Hopewell and the counties of Prince George, Dinwiddie, Surry and Charles City.

In 1981, Roberts was named assistant attorney general for the commonwealth. His duties included prosecution of consumer fraud cases, representation in direct appeals of criminal cases, drafting legislation and redistricting of House and Senate districts of the General Assembly. He also has served as legal counsel to various Virginia institutions of higher education, including James Madison University, Christopher Newport University, George Mason University and Virginia State.

As an assistant attorney general in 1997, Roberts worked in the Health Services Section of the Office of the Attorney General. There he served as legal counsel to the State Health Commissioner, the Virginia Department of Health and Virginia’s health regulatory boards in the Department of Health Professions, and the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation. Roberts was promoted to senior assistant attorney general in 2003.

The ODBA is abundantly proud of this historic appointment of our executive committee member, Roscoe Roberts.


2012 Annual Meeting - Northern Virginia


The Suffolk City Council has appointed Helivi L. Holland as City Attorney, effective March 16, 2012.  As City Attorney, Banks will be the legal advisor to the City Council, the City Manager, and all departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of the City. Banks previously worked as the Director for Juvenile Justice for the State of Virginia.  She previously was an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Suffolk.   A graduate of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, she received her law degree from the College of William & Mary.


Old Dominion Bar Association held its 70th Annual Meeting at the Sheraton Oceanfront Hotel in Virginia Beach May 20-23, 2010, where judges and lawyers from Virginia and surrounding areas gathered for four days of fellowship, luncheons, meetings, and workshops. Friday’s activities included continuing legal education seminars and the President’s Luncheon.  Professor W. Sherman Rogers of Howard University School of Law was the keynote speaker.  Outgoing President Beverly A. Burton presented the President’s Award of Merit to outgoing Treasurer, Helivi Holland in recognition of and appreciation for the excellent manner in which Ms. Holland acquitted herself during her two-term tenure as the organization’s Treasurer.  Later that evening, members and their guests  enjoyed a relaxing evening on Virginia’s Jewel Yacht Dinner 
Cruise. The traditional Judicial Luncheon was held after Saturday morning’s continuing legal education seminars.  The keynote speaker, Hon. Robert J. Humphreys, a judge on the Virginia Court of Appeals, spoke of the need for diversity on the bench and in the legal profession generally.  

New officers and executive committee members were elected during Saturday’s business meeting.  The officers are  President, Robert A. Williams, Esq., President-Elect, Vinceretta T. Chiles., Esq., Vice-President, Leonard L. Brown, Jr., Esq., Secretary, Doris Causey, Esq., and Tabrica Rentz, Esq.  Beverly A. Burton, Esq. is Immediate Past President.  Executive Committee members are:  Helivi Holland, Esq., S. Howard Woodson, Esq., Clarence Brooks, Esq., David Lassiter, Jr., Esq. Rondell Herman, Esq.,  Jennifer Williams, Esq., Chidi James, Esq., Johnda Scott, Esq., Inga Watkins, Esq., Pamela Boston, Esq., and Reginald Barley, Esq.

Prominent trial lawyer, philanthropist and motivational speaker Willie E. Gary, Esq. was the keynote speaker for the concluding banquet Saturday evening.   Gary urged the attendees to use their powerful positions to benefit the community and charged them to "reach back and give back." "We are in a unique position to help bring about the change that can help this great nation become a greater nation," he said. “The room was filled with excitement tonight and it was very clear that Mr. Gary left these lawyers, judges and leaders with much to contemplate,” said 
Congressman Bobby Scott, who represents the 3rd District of Virginia.

One of three guests of honor receiving awards, Gary was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award recognizing his humanitarianism, philanthropy, and distinguished career as a trial lawyer. Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, Hon. Leroy R. Hassell, Sr., received a Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his service on the bench, contributions to the community, and many efforts on behalf of the bench, bar, and public to improve the quality of legal services in the commonwealth. Clarence M. Dunnaville, Jr., Esq. received the Harold Marsh, Sr. Community Service Award that acknowledged his legal scholarship, leadership in civil rights, and many contributions to the community.  

Attendees at Sunday morning’s business meeting adjourned to join their guests and families for leisurely fellowship during the Sunday Send-Off brunch.

Governor Bob McDonnel has appointed ODBA treasurer Helivi Holland, Esq. Director of the Department of Juvenile Justice.  Ms. Holland is a native of Suffolk, Virginia, and a graduate of Virginia Tech.  She received her law degree from  the College of William Mary Marshall-Wythe School of Law. Ms. Holland has served as a senior prosecutor, an adjunct professor, a deputy city attorney and as a guardian ad litem, and has served four years as treasurer of ODBA.  Her 
appointment was effective May 1, 2010.

The Judicial Conference of Virginia for Circuit Judges convened in Norfolk  May 10-12, 2010, with 175 judges in attendance.  ODBA member Hon. Wilford Taylor, Hampton Circuit Court, provided a well-received update on Virginia Supreme Court cases.  ODBA President Beverly Burton attended as a guest of the Conference.  Executive Committee members Leonard L. Brown, Jr., Esq., Vinceretta T. Chiles, Esq., Pamela F. Boston, Esq., and S. Howard Woodson, Esq. also attended the conference, at which Judge Taylor was honored for 25 years of service on the bench.

Virginia Lawyers Weekly recently introduced its 2010 Class of Influential Women of Virginia.  The awards recognize the outstanding efforts of women in law, business, health care, education and the arts and are present to those making notable contributions to their professions, their communities and society.  African-American honorees were Hon. Cleo E. Powell, a judge of the Virginia Court of Appeals, Hon. Birdie H. Jamison, a judge of the Richmond General District Court, Misti Mukherjee, Esq. an attorney with Jackson Lewis LLP in Reston, Virginia, Cressondra B. Conyers, Esq., Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney in Williamsburg/James City County, and Michelle Clayton, M.D., medical director of the Pediatric Forensic Nurse Examiner program at Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk.  The honorees will be feted at a luncheon in Richmond on May 20, 2010.

Virginia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leroy Rountree Hassell, Sr. announced on May 11, 2010, that he will step down as head of the court, but will contine serving as a justice.  Justice Hassell has served as Chief Justice since February 2003, when he was the first person to be selected by a majority of the sitting justices to serve in that capacity.  Prior to his selection, the Chief Justice was determined by seniority.  Justice Hassell is Virginia’s first African-American Chief 
Justice and the second African-American to serve on the Court.  

In March 2010 Governor Bob McDonnell appointed Courtney Malveaux, Esq. to head the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry.  Malveaux served as an Assistant Attorney General at the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia, where he enforced state and federal consumer protection laws.  He also represented the Office of the Attorney General on the Freedom of Information Advisory Council

President Beverly Burton attend the Virginia Law Foundation’s Rule of Law and legacy of Neuremberg Award Ceremony at the Holocaust Museum in Richmond on April 30, 2010.  Senior U. S. District Court Judge Richard L. Williams  received the Legacy of Neurembert Award, and Judge Ilana Rovner  of the United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit was presented the Rule of Law Award.  President Burton is a Fellow of the Virginia Law Foundation.

Members of ODBA’s Judicial Selection Committee participated in the evaluation of candidates to fill federal judicial vacancies in the Eastern and Western Districts of Virginia.  Virginia’s state-wide bar associations interviewed candidates at the offices of the Virginia State Bar on April 19, 2010.  Committee members participating in the evaluation process were Leonard L. Brown, Jr., Esq., S. Howard Woodson, Esq., Robert A. Williams, Esq., Carolyn C. Eaglin, Esq., and ODBA President Beverly A. Burton, Esq.


 President Beverly Burton met with officials of Lead Virginia, a nonprofit 
and nonpartisan organization dedicated to educating leaders in the community about regional differences and how these differences impact the lives of all Virginians.  Lead Virginia, a state-wide leadership program, came into existence in 2005 as a result of a call to action by former Governor Mark Warner and is actively recruiting women and minorities for participation in its seven-month program.  More information about Lead Virginia is available on the organization’s web site at http://www.leadvirginia.org.  Please email BABurton@aol.com if you are interested in 
becoming a participant.  


The Virginia State Bar Council met in Richmond at the Omni Hotel on February 27, 2010.  Bar 
Council President Irving M. Blank stated that the VSB is financially healthy, and dues will not increase.  Michael L. Davis, chair of the MCLE Board reported that the Board had amended its regulations to limit hours attorneys may earn from pre-recorded CLE programs to eight per year.  Proposed amendments to trust account rules were returned to the Standing Committee on Legal Ethics for reconsideration. ODBA President Beverly Burton attended the meeting and the Bar Council Dinner at the Holocaust Museum on February 26.   For a full report of the Bar Council meeting, please go to:  http://www.vsb.org/site/news/item/highlights-feb2010-council.    


The Young Lawyers Conference of the Virginia State Bar held its annual bench-
bar dinner in honor of newly appointed and elevated minority and female members of the Virginia judiciary on January 25, 2010 in Richmond.  Hon. Barbara Milano Keenan, a justice of the Virginia Supreme Court and the keynote speaker, noted in her remarks that “courts should look like the people they serve”.   The honorees were Hon. Rossie D. Alston, Jr., Hon. Michelle J. Atkins, Hon. Joel C. Cunningham, Hon. Harriet D. Dorsey, Hon. Pamela O. Evans, Hon. Mary Jane Hall, Hon. Tonya Henderson-Stith, Hon. Bonnie L. Jones, Hon. Kenneth R. Melvin, Hon. Deborah S. Roe, and Hon. Amy B. Tisinger.  ODBA President Beverly Burton attended the dinner.


ODBA held its Winter Meeting at the T.C. Williams School of Law in Richmond on January 23, 2010.  Participants were treated to excellent continuing legal education presentations on constitutional law, Medicare set-aside law for personal injury attorneys, and avoiding problems in appellate practice.  The presenters were David P. Baugh, Esq.,  Kari Lou Frank, Esq., and Elwood “Sandy” Saunders, Jr., Esq.  Following remarks by luncheon speaker Robert J. Grey, Jr., Esq. was a roundtable discussion on diversity.  The day’s activities concluded with a relaxing reception.


Charles E. James, Jr. became Virginia’s Chief Deputy Attorney General on January 19, 2010.  A litigation partner in the Williams Mullen law firm immediately prior to his appointment, Mr. James will oversee the day to day operation of the five divisions of the Office of the Attorney General.  In addition, he served as a prosecutor in the U. S. Attorney’s Office 
for the Eastern District of Virginia and in the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division in Washington, D.C.  Mr. James is listed in Virginia Super Lawyers Rising Stars magazine. Virginia Business magazine has listed him as one of the “Legal Elite”.


Edward Delk passed away December 31, 2009, at Chesapeake Regional Medical Center.  Mr. 
Delk, a graduate of  Howard University School of Law, had a private law practice in Norfolk until 1987.  He was also a real estate consultant and developer and had an extensive community service record that included a stint as executive director of the Urban Coalition of Norfolk.  He also served as Chairman of the Norfolk Public School System’s Community Oversight Committee, which was charged with the responsibility of preventing racial discrimination in the allocation of human and physical resources of the school system.  He is survived by his wife, Shirley C. Delk, and two sons.  Mr. Delk was a former Vice President of Old Dominion Bar Association.

Past president Philip S. Walker died on December 6, 2009.  A funeral service was held on December 11, 2009, at Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church in Newport News.  Mr. Walker was a graduate of Virginia Union University and earned his law degree from Howard University.  He was an NAACP attorney and argued desegregation cases in the 1950's, one of which led to the desegregation of Norfolk public schools. Mr. Walker was president of ODBA from 1964-
1966. Click here for complete obituary.

Richmond City Attorney Norman B. Sales, who recently announced his retirement for personal reasons,  will become Goochland County Attorney effective January 18, 2010.  Sales is a graduate of Old Dominion University and earned his law degree from the Marshall Wythe School of Law at William & Mary.  He served as Richmond’s City Attorney for four years.

Tonya Henderson-Stith was appointed to serve on the Hampton General District Court in June 2009.  She filled one of two vacancies in the Hampton General District Court where Judge Bonnie Jones served prior to her elevation to the Hampton Circuit Court.  Judge Henderson-Stith, formerly an attorney with the law firm of McDermott, Roe & Walter, is a 1990 University of Virginia graduate and earned her law degree from the University of Baltimore in 1994.

ODBA member Tony Pham has been appointed by Governor Timothy Kaine to serve on the Virginia Asian Advisory Board.  The Board advises the Governor on issues affecting the Asian Community.


ODBA member Tony Pham assumed the presidency of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Virginia November 1, 2009.  Pham, an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Richmond, was formerly a prosecutor in the Richmond Commonwealth Attorney’s Office.  APABA-VA is a state-wide bar association and an affiliate of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association.  Pham is a graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law and will serve a one-year term as APABA-VA’s president.


Matthew James won the 80th district seat in the House of Delegates in the election on November 3, 2009.  The seat was left vacant when Kenneth Melvin, who held the seat for 24 years, was appointed to serve as a judge of the Circuit Court for the City of Portsmouth.  Delegate James is married to ODBA member Karen James, an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Suffolk.


Several ODBA Executive Committee members participated in the Election Protection project during the November 3, 2009 election.  Prior to the election, these members participated in preparatory conferences with organizers of the effort, as well as in the recruiting and training of volunteers.  Beverly Burton and Vinceretta Chiles worked on in the Richmond Command Center on Election Day.  Leonard Brown represented ODBA in the Tidewater area and Howard Woodson in northern Virginia.  Election Protection is a nationwide non-partisan and continuing project of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.  ODBA began its participation last year at the urging of the National Bar Association, of which ODBA is an affiliate.  This was ODBA’s second year of participation in this effort to ensure that all who are entitled to vote get to exercise that 


OCTOBER 2009 - Virginia Lawyers Weekly feted its 2009 Leaders in the Law at a reception on October 22, 2009.  The reception was held at the historic Bolling-Haxall House in Richmond.  ODBA President Beverly Burton was one of 28 honorees recognized for their contributions to the community and to the legal profession. She was specifically recognized for her efforts  in connection with the non-partisan Election Protection effort during the 2008 presidential election. 
Richmond attorney Henry McLaughlin, honored for his many years of service to legal aid, was selected “Leader of the Year”.

In this year’s canvassing for its Top 40 Under 40,  Style Weekly, Richmond’s premier  cultural watchdog publication, tapped ODBA member Tony Pham as one of 2009’s shining stars.  Pham’s selection recognizes  his leadership and community service.  A recipient of ODBA’s 2009 Presidential Award of Merit, Pham is a graduate of the T.C. Williams School of Law in Richmond.  Formerly a Richmond prosecutor, Pham is currently an Assistant City Attorney in the Richmond City Attorney’s Office.

ODBA’s Judicial Selection Committee convened on October 12, 2009, in Richmond, along with other statewide bar associations, to participate in the vetting of candidates for the Virginia Supreme Court seat held by Justice Barbara Keenan.  President Barack Obama recently appointed Keenan to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

AUGUST 2009 - ODBA President Honored
Virginia Lawyers Weekly announced that ODBA President Beverly Burton was selected as a member of  the Class of 2009 in its “Leaders in the Law” program. The project recognizes lawyers who set the standard for other lawyers – by changing practice, serving the community, changing the law or improving Virginia’s justice system. The honorees will be feted at a reception Oct. 22, 2009 at the Bolling-Haxall House in downtown Richmond.

President Beverly Burton and Secretary Regina Turner Sykes attended the Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Court Judges August 9-11, 2009, at the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach.  Hon. Leroy Rountree Hassell, Sr., Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, opened the conference with remarks on the State of the Judiciary.  The substantive presentations included an update on Virginia civil statutory and case law, evidence, juvenile court case law, and a mental health law update, among others.  President Burton also attended the Virginia Association of Women Judges breakfast Tuesday morning at the invitation of the association’s president, Judge Roxy Holder.

President Beverly Burton attended the National Bar Association’s 84th Annual Convention & Exhibits in San Diego, California.  The convention was held at the  San Diego Hilton Bayfront Hotel August 1 – 9, 2009 and  opened with Gala Night’s live performance by singing group En Vogue.  The Convention offered a plethora of continuing legal education seminars and also included The Presidential Showcase Seminar, which provided a panel discussion among national 
leaders on changing domestic and global dynamics after President Obama’s election and the role of African American lawyers in the future.  Elections for officers were held on Tuesday, and President Burton attended the NBA Affiliate chapter Presidents’ and President-Elect’s dinner Wednesday evening.  The Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major for Justice advocacy competition, which involved high school students competing for scholarships, was held on Thursday evening.  New officers, including President Mavis T. Thompson, were sworn in during Friday’s annual banquet.

The investiture ceremony for Hon. Joel Cunningham was held on July 29, 2009.  The former General District Court Judge was sworn in as a Circuit Court Judge and is the first African American circuit judge in the Tenth Judicial Circuit.  Before his elevation to the bench,  Judge Cunningham, a graduate of Virginia State University and the University of Virginia School of Law, was the managing attorney for Virginia Legal Aid Society for a number of years and thereafter engaged in private practice.  The ceremony was attended by a host of family, friends, judges, and members of the bar.   In congratulating Judge Cunningham during the ceremony, Old Dominion Bar Association Vice-President Robert A. Williams, said, “We celebrate here today another movement forward by this Commonwealth and America toward the true promise that no matter the origin of one’s birth or the color of one’s skin, one can rise to the heights of accomplishment.”

ODBA member Tony Pham has been selected to serve on the Virginia State Bar’s Third District disciplinary committee, which addresses lawyer disciplinary matters arising in Henrico County and the City of Richmond.  Pham, formerly a prosecutor in the Richmond, is an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Richmond.

ODBA member Freddie L. Goode, Senior Managing Attorney at Central Virginia Legal Aid Society in Richmond, received the Virginia State Bar’s Legal Aid Award on June 19, 2009, at the VSB’s Annual Meeting.  The award, presented by the Special Committee on Access to Legal Service, recognizes a Legal Aid attorney’s advocacy skills, high quality of services, and impact beyond the attorney’s service area.  In addition to his managerial duties in Richmond, Petersburg and Charlottesville Legal Aid offices, Goode handles a very large caseload and supervises numerous volunteers.  Goode earned his law degree from the University of Florida and has worked with Legal Aid since 1988.

The VSB’s Tradition of Excellence Award was presented to Hon. Marilynn C. Goss, a judge of the Richmond Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court on June 20, 2009 at the VSB Annual Meeting.  The award was presented the VSB General Practice Section and recognizes an attorney who represents the highest tradition of personal and professional excellence and who has benefitted a community and enhanced the esteem of general practice attorneys 
in Virginia.  The award recognizes Judge Goss’ twenty-five plus years of service representing indigents as an attorney with the Central Virginia Legal Aid Society.  Judge Goss, a University of Richmond Law School graduate, also served as Managing Attorney of Legal Aid Justice Center and later returned to Central Virginia Legal Aid Society as a senior managing attorney.  She received the VST Legal Aid Award in 2000 and is a former president of Old Dominion Bar Association.

The Virginia State Bar Council voted to establish a Diversity  Conference to  “promote diversity in the profession and the practice of law” at its meeting on June 18, 2009.  The Council also voted to give the chair of the Diversity Conference a seat on the Council, and also voted to not give the chair a seat on the VSB Executive Committee.  As approved, the Conference will be privately funded through a nonprofit organization, and no bar dues will be used to pay for the Conference’s operations or programs.  The next step is for the Supreme Court of Virginia to approve the Conference.  President Beverly Burton attended the VSB Annual Meeting and was present when the Council approved creation of the Conference.

Brenda Friend Briggs, Esq., former President of Virginia Association of Black Women Attorneys died on June 10, 2009.  A funeral was held   on June 17, 2009 at First Baptist Church, Centralia, in Richmond, and she was buried in the Friend Family Cemetery.  She is survived by her husband, Kenneth A. Gary, her daughter, Nicole Briggs-Gary, her mother, Louise Friend, and her brother, James B. Friend, Jr.  Ms. Briggs received her law degree from T. C. Williams School of Law in Richmond.

Carla Lewis Gregory, organizer of ODBA’s Spouse Auxiliary, passed away on June 6, 2009 and was buried in South Hill Virginia on June 12, 2009.  A celebration of her life was held on June 11, 2009 at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Richmond.  She is survived by her husband, Hon. Roger L. Gregory, her mother, Eura H. Lewis, and three daughters, Adriene Gregory Carter, Rachel Gregory and Christina Gregory.

Old Dominion Bar Association held its Annual Meeting at the luxurious Gaylord National Resort in Oxon Hill, Maryland May 28-31, 2009.  “Celebrating Justice Through Creative Advocacy” was the theme of this year's Annual Meeting. The continuing legal education seminars began Friday morning with “Best Practices: A View from the Bench” presented by a three-judge panel  that included Hon. S. Bernard Goodwyn of the Virginia Supreme Court, Hon. Nolan B. Dawkins of Alexandria Circuit Court, and Hon. Marilynn C. Goss, Richmond J & D Court.  Following the session, Virginia State Bar President Manuel  Capsalis spoke about the need for diversity in the bar and the VSB’s diversity initiative.  Hon. Margaret P. Spencer of Richmond Circuit Court, Charles Simpson, Jr., of Accident Analysis & Reconstruction, and Jeffrey Taylor of CrossPlatform Design gave individual presentations on “Computer Generated Evidence”, and their panel was followed by Thomas A. Elliot, Esq. and Fabienne Chatain, Esq., both with Elliot & Maycock, LLP, who spoke 
on “Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions”.  Congressman Bobby Scott was the keynote speaker at Friday’s President’s Luncheon, during which President Beverly Burton presented several members with the President’s Award of Merit for their participation in the Election Protection effort, which was  ODBA’s community service project last year.  Only ODBA members are eligible for this award, and recipients were:  Leonard L. Brown, Jr., Vinceretta Chiles, Tony Pham, Diana Gaston, W. T. Mason, Robert Hagans, Sandra Robinson, Regina Turner, and Howard Woodson.  Unfortunately, the much anticipated golf tournament was the victim of inclement weather.The Northern Virginia Black Attorneys Association, the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, and the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Virginia sponsored a lovely Friday evening reception at McCormick & Schmick Restaurant, where Tony Knotts, a member of the Prince George’s County Council, presented ODBA with a Proclamation welcoming its members to the County and recognizing ODBA’s  many contributions.  Following the reception, members joined President Burton in the hospitality suite for conversation and occasionally noisy games of 
bid whist. Saturday morning’s CLE offerings included a session on “Effective Jury Selection & Communications” presented by Hon. William T. Newman, Jr. of Arlington County Circuit Court, Senator  A. Donald McEachin, and Maura burke Weiner of JuryMatters.  Senator McEachin, along with Del. Charniele Herring, provided a legislative update, followed by “Objections! Evidence in Action”, which was presented by Hon. Gerald Bruce Lee, U. S. District Court, Hon. Stanley P. Klein of Fairfax County Circuit Court, and Prof. Cynthia E. Jones of American University’s Washington College of Law. Thomas G. Spahn, Esq. of McGuireWoods rounded out the morning sessions with a presentation on “The Ethics of Email”.  Hon. Rossie D. Alston, Jr., recently appointed to serve on the Virginia Court of Appeals, was the Judicial Luncheon keynote speaker on Saturday. At the pre-banquet reception, members and guests were entertained by the Marcus Williams Trio, a jazz ensemble that also provided the musical backdrop for the Annual Banquet.   The banquet  program began in earnest with the attendees singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing”.  Hon. Roger Gregory, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, introduced those being honored as courageous advocates for justice:  David Baugh, Esq., Elaine Jones, Esq., L. Douglas Wilder, Esq., and William Moffitt, Esq.  Highlights of each honoree’s career were presented in impressive video montages. Mr. Moffitt was honored in memoriam for his stellar career as a criminal defense attorney.  Following the montage on her late husband’s achievements Edna Moffitt, Esq. came onstage to acknowledge the tribute, and later in the program President Burton presented Mr. Moffitt’s daughter with a plaque commemorating the honor.  President Burton presented David Baugh, Esq. Capital Defender for the central region of the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission, with ODBA’s Harold Marsh Sr., Community Service Award.  Hon. L. Douglas Wilder, the first African-American governor in the country, received ODBA’s Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his many achievements over the years, the most recent being the first popularly elected Mayor of the City of Richmond.  Mr. Wilder joined President Burton in presenting the L. Douglas Wilder Vanguard Award, ODBA’s highest honor, to Elaine R. Jones, Esq. President and Director-Counsel Emeritus of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.,   in recognition of her unwavering dedication as a civil rights advocate.   Following Ms. Jones’ inspirational remarks, the banquet program concluded with  President Burton thanking the honorees for leaving their inspirational footprints and challenging the attendees to follow them and leave footprints of their own. After Sunday morning’s business meeting, ODBA members, friends and family  gathered  at Ben Brenman Park in Alexandria for a picnic before heading home.Conference attendees were very pleased with all aspects of the conference, and the  2009 Annual Meeting Planning Committee members were:  Co-Chairs Lorrie Sinclair and Todd Pilot,  Hon. Gerald Bruce Lee, Hon. Ivan Davis, Hon. Nolan Dawkins, Malik Drake, Esq., S. Howard Woodson, Esq., Juanita Ferguson, Esq., Melinda VanLowe, Esq., Carla Brown, Esq., Crystal A. G. Fisher, Esq., Alfred Carr, Esq., Sonya Sacks, Esq., Carolyn C. Eaglin, Esq., Chidi James, Esq., Marcia Thompson, Esq., Marcia Wright, Esq., Morris Parker, Esq., and Kenya Gregory, Esq.

ODBA member Doris Henderson Causey was elected to one of five seats allotted to the Thirteenth Judicial District on the Council of the Virginia State Bar In May 2009. Attorney Causey, formerly in private practice, is currently a staff attorney at Central Virginia Legal Aid Society.  Causey will begin serving her term as a Bar Council member on July 1.

ODBA member Polly Chong spoke at the invitation of Senator Mamie Locke on May 20, 2009, to a crowd celebrating Asian-Pacific Islander Day at the Army base in Norfolk.  Attorney Chong shared with attendees some of her personal  memorabilia, including photographs of her grandparents arriving on Ellis Island after traveling from China.   The program was videotaped and will be sent via satellite to other bases around the country.  Ms. Chong, who has a law office in Newport News, received a plaque and a medal at the festivities.

Several members of ODBA’s Executive Committee attended the Judicial Conference of Virginia for courts of record May 11-13, 2009, at the Hotel Roanoke.  The business sessions and opening reception were followed by two days of legal education seminars that provided the latest updates to statutory and case law.  Executive Committee members who attended were President Beverly Burton, President-Elect Robert Williams, Leonard Brown, Jr., and Vinceretta Chiles.

President Beverly A. Burton sent a letter to Virginia State Bar President Manuel A. Capsalis congratulating him for spearheading the VSB’s diversity initiative and stating Old Dominion Bar Association’s support for his efforts.  Letters of two VSB members criticizing Capsalis’ efforts were published in Virginia Lawyer magazine's February 2009 issue. As a result of Capsalis’ efforts, at its Annual Meeting in June 2009 the VSB will consider the creation of a Diversity Conference to promote inclusion of individuals from diverse backgrounds in all aspects of the legal profession.  

The Alexandria City Council has appointed James Banks as City Attorney, effective May 4, 2009.  As City Attorney, Banks will be the legal advisor to the City Council, the City Manager, and all departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of the City. Banks previously worked for Seyfarth Shaw LLP, as partner to its labor and employment practice. He also served as partner for McGuire Woods LLP  and as a substitute judge in Richmond from 1998 to 2002.  Banks, a 
member of the Virginia Law Foundation Board of Directors and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Board of Directors, also served as Richmond’s Vice Mayor and as Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney for the City of Richmond.  A graduate of Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, he received his law degree from the University of Virginia.

Thanks to Treasurer Helivi Holland, ODBA will assist the Virginia Chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (not Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.) to assist with that group's efforts to address restoration of felons’ rights. ODBA attorney volunteers from all parts of Virginia who are knowledgeable and interested in this subject will participate in panel discussions and seminars.  Executive Committee member Vinceretta Chiles has led the way by providing instruction, 
handouts, and fielding questions in a train-the-trainer seminar for Virginia Delta Sigma Theta members on April 25, 2009 at the Sportsman Club in Franklin, along with Rick Francis, clerk of Southampton County Circuit Court.   The Virginia Deltas held similar programs around the state on April 25th.  Last year Ms. Chiles, engaged in private practice in Richmond, assisted several individuals in having their civil rights restored so they could vote in the historic 2008 
presidential election.   Sorority members are planning another session next week for those in the community who need assistance in completing forms related to achieving restoration of their rights.  

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference will hold a Diversity Program in January 2010  at the Omni Hotel in Newport News.  ODBA President Beverly Burton, as well as representatives from the diversity program of Riverside Regional Medical Center and others will be on a panel to facilitate a discussion among those of varying backgrounds on the many different aspects of diversity and its benefits to society.  The Program is planned for January 30, 2010 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Former ODBA President and long-time ODBA member W. T. Mason, Jr., who is also  past president of South Hampton Roads Bar Association, participated in the VSB's Bar Leaders Institute.  Held at the Virginia Historical Society Halsey Family Lecture Hall on April 15, 2009, in Richmond, the Institute provided presentations on why leaders break rules, Virginia's new principles of professionalism, best practices workshops, and mental health and substance absuse issues.  ODBA President Beverly Burton also attended the very informative sessions.

Michelle J. Atkins was sworn in as a judge of the Norfolk Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court on Friday, April 3, 2009.  A reception at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel immediately followed the ceremony.  Judge Atkins, formerly an attorney with Abrons, Fasanaro & Sceiviour in Norfolk, fills the vacancy created by the elevation of Hon. Jerrauld Jones to the Norfolk Circuit Court bench in November 2008.  

On April 7, 2009, Governor Timothy M. Kaine announced the appointment of former legislator Kenneth R. Melvin as a judge on the Portsmouth Circuit Court.  Melvin, a graduate of Colby College and Georgetown University Law Center, recently announced his retirement from the Virginia House of Delegates, where he served since 1985.  Melvin will leave private practice and will assume this judgeship  effective May 1, 2009.

Virginia Senators Jim Webb and Mark Warner sent letters to President Barack Obama recommending three candidates for the United States Attorney post for the Western District of Virginia.  The Senators recommended ODBA member Joan Ziglar, Martinsville’s Commonwealth’s Attorney, along with Thomas Bondurant, chief of the Criminal Division of the U. S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District, and Timothy Heaphy, a former assistant U. S. Attorney 
for the Western District, who currently works for McGuireWoods.  The President nominates U. S. Attorneys, who must be confirmed by the U. S. Senate.

President Beverly Burton attended the Greater Peninsula Women’s Bar Association’s Charity Gala in Newport News March 31, 2009 as the guest of ODBA’s newest Life Member, Polly Chong, one of the organizers. Participants were treated to a smorgasbord ranging from freshly prepared crab cakes to a dessert fondue bar.  The standing-room-only Gala featured speakers Brian Moran, Delegate Glenn Oder, Delegate Mayme BaCote, was attended by many other dignitaries, and benefited Court Appointed Special Advocates for children-NN, Transitions Family violence Services, and Avalon Center for Women & Children.

On March 31, 2009, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate William Gunn, ODBA’s Winter Meeting guest speaker, to fill the post of General Counsel to the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Attorney Gunn, a Harvard Law School Graduate and former White House Fellow, also earned a Master of Laws degree from George Washington University School of Law and a Master of Science Degree in National Resource Strategy from the Industrial College of 
the Armed Forces.  Gunn retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2005, where he served as a Colonel in the Judge Advocate Generals Corps. He was the first Chief Defense Counsel in the Department of Defense Office of Military Commissions, where he supervised all defense activities for detainees to be tried before military commissions.  Mr. Gunn is engaged in private practice in northern Virginia.

On March 30, 2009, a delegation of ODBA representatives met with United States Senator Jim Webb to discuss the judicial vacancies and candidates for these vacancies on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, as well as the vacancies for the United States Attorney positions in both the Eastern and Western Districts of Virginia.  The delegation included ODBA President 
Beverly Burton, President-Elect Robert Williams, and Immediate Past President Howard Woodson, and the discussion centered on the need for diversity at the federal level and the highly qualified candidates available for appointment.  A meeting with Senator Mark Warner could not be arranged, but efforts toward that end continue.

Gregory Dwright Underwood was sworn in on March 23, 2009 as Norfolk’s Commonwealth’s Attorney in a ceremony at Norfolk Circuit Court.  With more than fifteen years of experience, Underwood was a Senior Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney in Norfolk when he won 55% of the vote in a March 10, 2009  special election.

On February 28, 2009, the state legislature elevated Hon. Bonnie L. Jones to the Hampton Circuit Court.   After thirteen years of service as a General District Court judge,  Judge Jones was sworn in on March 3, 2009 by Hampton Circuit Court Chief Judge Wilford Taylor, Jr. as that Court’s first female judge.

After the Virginia State Bar Council on February 28, 2009, President Beverly Burton attended the celebration of Robert H. Cooley, Jr.’s 100th birthday, which was held at Margiano’s Italian Restaurant at the Short Pump Town Center in Richmond.  The celebration was attended by a number of Mr. Cooley’s family, friends, and colleagues. Attorney Cooley, one of the original organizers of Old Dominion Bar Association, served as its Acting President during World War II, and provided leadership and inspiration during the struggle for Civil Rights.  A Howard Law School graduate, he lived and worked in Petersburg for many years and served as Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney there.  Mr. Cooley received many accolades and acknowledgements during the celebration.  Included among them were framed resolutions from the General Assembly commending his public service and contributions to Virginia’s legal landscape (see http://leg1.
state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?091+ful+HJ941+pdf  (Delegate Roslyn Dance) and
http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?091+ful+SJ457+pdf (Senator Henry Marsh).  

Hon. Rossie David Alston, Jr. a judge of the Prince William County Circuit Court was unanimously elected to serve as the 32nd judge on the Virginia Court of Appeals in February 2009.  Appointed to serve on the Prince William County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in 1998, Judge Alston was elevated to Prince William County’s Circuit Court bench in February 2001.  He was reappointed to a second term  in January 2009 just before being elevated to the Virginia Court of Appeals.  Judge Alston is an alumnus of Averette College (now University) and of North Carolina 
Central School of Law.  He has been involved in numerous civic and professional endeavors and resides in Manassas with his wife, Carol Miller Alston.

President Beverly Burton attended the Virginia State Bar Council’s regular meeting at Richmond’s Omni Hotel on February 28, 2009.  The Council reported on a number of developments, including the Virginia Supreme Court’s authorization of the Virginia State Bar to resume posting of public disciplinary information on the Bar’s website.  For a complete summary of meeting highlights, please visit http://www.vsb.org/site/news/item/council-meeting-022809/

President Beverly Burton attended the Virginia State Bar Council Dinner, which was held at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts on February 27, 2009.  Richmond Attorney Clarence Dunnaville received a Virginia State Bar President’s Award from VSB President Manuel Capsalis in recognition of his many contributions to Virginia’s legal landscape.  Dunnaville, a graduate of Morgan State University and St. John’s University Law School, is slated to receive yet another honor from the Virginia State Bar in April 2009.  He has been selected to receive the 2009 Virginia State Bar’s Pro Bono and Access to Justice Award at the VSB’s PBAJ Conference, which will be in Richmond on April 20, 2009.


Old Dominion Bar Association’s Judicial Nominations Committee interviewed a number of candidates for vacancies on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia’s Richmond Division.  The number of candidates necessitated two full days of interviews, which were held February 19-20, 2009 at the offices of the Virginia State Bar in Richmond.  As requested, the candidates’ ratings were 
reported to U. S. Senators Jim Webb and Mark Warner, who will make recommendations to President Barack Obama.  Committee members who participated in these interviews were Reginald Barley, Leonard Brown, Jr., Vinceretta Chiles, Helivi Holland,  Robert Williams, and Howard Woodson.

ODBA’s 2009 Winter Meeting was held on February 7, 2009 at George Mason University School of Law in Fairfax.  Activities included CLE presentations and a brief business meeting. The guest speaker was William A. Gunn, an attorney who represents current and former members of the military in private practice in northern Virginia.  Attorney Gunn, a former White House Fellow, retired from the U. S. Air Force in 2005, where he served as a Colonel in the Judge Advocate Generals Corps.  Gunn, the first Chief Defense Counsel in the Department of Defense Office of Military Commissions, where his responsibilities included ensuring that detainees received effective representation, is a graduate of Harvard Law School.

Members of ODBA’s Judicial Nominations Committee interviewed candidates for the vacancy on the Virginia Court of Appeals created by the retirement of Justice Jean Clements.  The interviews took place at the offices of the Virginia State Bar on January 7, 2009, and ODBA was one of several bar groups participating in the process.  Participating committee members were Reginald Barley, Leonard Brown, Jr., Beverly Burton, Vinceretta Chiles, Helivi Holland, Robert Williams, and Howard Woodson.

Waverly Jones, Jr. has been appointed to serve as Chief Magistrate for the City of Chesapeake, Virginia.  He was an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney in Norfolk and engaged in the private practice of law for several years.

Former Old Dominion Bar Association President Robert F. Hagans, Jr. was elected to serve a three-year term as a director of the Virginia Beach Bar Association.  Hagans is engaged in the private practice of law and is also a past president of South Hampton Roads Bar Association.


Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott held a town meeting to air issues that surfaced in preparation for and during November’s presidential election.  Joining Congressman Scott on a panel at the General Assembly in Richmond on December 16, 2008, were some veteran voting rights  activists including Vicky Beasley, Gerry Herbert, Elizabeth Westfall and Jeremy Epstein.  Those present heard about a laundry list of problems encountered including hours-long 
lines for absentee voters, insufficient numbers of voting machines, hours-long lines on election day that seemed to disproportionately impact African-American precincts, problems with incomplete DMV registrations, absentee ballots that were not counted, misinformation from official sources about student voting, and poorly trained poll workers, among others.  Participants also offered suggestions for improving the registration and voting process, such as allowing weekend voting, allowing early voting, and automatic restoration of felons’ rights, among others.  ODBA President Beverly Burton and Executive Committee member Leonard L. Brown, Jr., both of whom were integrally involved in the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law’s Election Protection program for the past several months along with other ODBA members, attended this forum.

Hon. Cleo E. Powell, a judge of the Chesterfield Circuit Court, was elevated to the  Virginia Court of Appeals in a ceremony held at the Virginia Supreme Court  on November 17, 2008.  ODBA President Beverly Burton attended the investiture ceremony at which Hon. Walter S. Felton, Jr. , Chief Judge of the Virginia Court of Appeals, presided.  Judge Powell was introduced by the Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, Hon. Leroy Rountree Hassell, Sr., and Governor Timothy M. Kaine offered remarks pertaining to Judge Powell’s selection.  A reception at the Patrick Henry 
Building on the Capitol grounds immediately followed the ceremony.  Judge Powell is the first African-American female to sit on the Virginia Court of Appeals bench and the second African-American to serve on that court since its inception.

On November 14, 2008, the Alpha Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. awarded Helivi L. Holland, Esq. its 2008 Citizen of the Year Award for her “service to humanity”.   Formerly a prosecutor, Attorney Holland, ODBA’s Treasurer and a member of its Executive Committee, is Deputy City Attorney for the City of Suffolk, Virginia.

The Young Lawyers Conference of the Virginia State Bar held its Bench-Bar Dinner on November 10, 2008 at the Bull & Bear Club in Richmond.  ODBA President Beverly Burton and Executive Committee member Leonard L. Brown, Jr., attended the dinner, which was held in honor of the newly appointed and elevated minority and female members of the Virginia Judiciary.  Manuel A. Capsalis, President of the Virginia State Bar, welcomed the honorees, and the keynote 
speaker was Hon. S. Bernard Goodwyn, who was recently elevated to the Virginia Supreme Court.  The honorees included Hon. Majorie T. Arrington,  Hon. Penny Azcarate, Hon. Jan L. Brodie, Hon. Uley Norris Damiani,  Hon. Laura L. Dascher, Hon. Nolan B. Dawkins, Hon. Marilynn C. Goss, Hon. Jerrauld C. Jones, Hon. Patricia Kelly, Hon. Helen Leiner, Hon. Mary Grace O’Brien, Hon. Cleo E. Powell, and Justice Goodwyn.

The historic Presidential election on November 4, 2008, provided the motivation for pre-election and Election Day involvement beyond the act of voting for some ODBA members.  Having trained with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law’s Election Protection program, ODBA members were ready to help address needs around the state on Election Day ranging from voters in the wrong precincts, providing aid, comfort, and encouragement to those with long waits, and answering questions about residency requirements, among other things.  ODBA’s Election Protection volunteers were mainly assigned to work in Richmond, Tidewater  and northern Virginia.  Old Dominion Bar Association is very proud of and thankful to its members who volunteered to help get out the vote and elect the nation’s first President of African American descent, Barack Obama.

Hon. G. Steven Agee, a justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, was elevated to the  United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.  ODBA President Beverly Burton attended the October 29, 2008 investiture ceremony at the Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Courthouse in Richmond.  Hon. Karen J. Williams, Chief Judge of the Fourth Circuit, presided over the ceremony.  Kathryn Todd, Esq., Associate Counsel to the President, presented Justice Agee with his Commission.  Hon. J. Harvie Wilkinson III read congratulatory remarks from U.S. Senator John W. Warner, Jr., and Nelson Jones offered congratulations on behalf of U. S. Senator James H. Webb.   A reception at the courthouse immediately followed the ceremony.

Several of ODBA’s members have been putting in a lot of effort on the Election Protection project.  Executive Committee member Leonard L. Brown, Jr. has been helping organize the effort in the Tidewater area and recently attended training  for mobile legal volunteers at the Reed Smith offices in Richmond, which will house the Election Protection Command Center for Central and Western Virginia.  Peggy Sanner, an attorney at Reed Smith, is the Command Center Field Commander.  ODBA President Beverly Burton and Executive Committee member Vinceretta 
Chiles are Team Leaders and assigned to work at the Command Center on Election Day.  
Attorneys Sanner and  Burton jointly presented a training session for Election Protection mobile legal volunteers in Richmond on October 18, 2008, one of many training sessions Election Protection is conducting around Virginia.  Executive Committee member Sandra Robinson and ODBA member Diana Gaston attended Election Protection training, and Ms. Robinson has actively recruited attorneys for the Election Protection effort.  With a record number of newly registered voters in Virginia, Election Protection volunteers are still needed to assist voters and voting officials on Election Day.  Volunteers can still sign up for Election Protection participation and 
training by visiting http://www.866ourvote.org/ .

ODBA President Beverly Burton attended the Virginia State Bar Council Dinner in Staunton  at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center on October 16, 2008.  President Burton also attended the VSB Council meeting the next day.  The Council considered a number of items on a full agenda and voted to publish for comment a proposed rule that would require certain lawyers to carry malpractice insurance and set minimum limits for such insurance.  For full details about the Council meeting, please visit http://www.vsb.org/docs/valawyermagazine/vl0708_nw-news.pdf

Virginia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leroy R. Hassell, Sr. appointed  Richmond City Attorney Norman B. Sales, an ODBA member, to serve on the faculty of the Virginia State Bar Professionalism Program.  The Program, established in 1998, administers the Virginia State Bar’s Harry L. Carrico Professionalism Course, which is mandatory for all newly licensed Virginia lawyers, and provides training in professional conduct, ethics, and fundamental values of the legal 

On September 22, 2008 Richmond Mayor L. Douglas Wilder, with the approval of the Richmond City Council, appointed President Beverly Burton to a four-year term on the Board of Directors of the Richmond Metropolitan Authority.  The RMA is an independent government authority devoted to building and operating a variety of primarily transportation-related public facilities and to providing related public services in the Richmond metropolitan area.  

Executive Committee member Vinceretta Chiles attended a memorial service for highly decorated Tuskegee Airman Lt. Col. Howard L. Baugh, USAF (Ret.), who passed away on August 23, 2008.  Col. Baugh was the father of renowned defense attorney David P. Baugh, Esq., who was recently named as capital defender for the Central Virginia Office of the Indigent Defense Commission.

Executive Committee member and past ODBA President Leonard L. Brown, Jr. is helping to organize the Election Protection effort in the Tidewater area.  Election Protection is a project conducted by the nonpartisan Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and involves a coalition of groups dedicated to ensuring the right to vote.  

President Beverly Burton and Executive Committee member Vinceretta Chiles attended the Election Protection Leadership Institute at Arnold & Porter LLP in Washington, D.C. September 8-9, 2008.  Sponsored by the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the institute provided intensive training on voting rights to help prepare Election Protection volunteers for addressing issues that may arise during the 2008 presidential election.

President Beverly Burton and Executive Committee member Vinceretta Chiles attended the investiture ceremony for LeRoy F. Millette, who was sworn in September 5, 2008 as a justice of the Virginia Supreme Court.  Justice Millette formerly served as a Circuit Court judge in Prince William County and as a judge of the Virginia Court of Appeals.  He succeeds Justice Steven Agee, who was recently appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth 
Circuit.  A number of dignitaries attended the ceremony, including Governor Timothy Kaine, who appointed Millette to the Supreme Court bench, and Senator Henry Marsh, Chair of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee.

On September 4, 2008 Executive Committee member Vinceretta T. Chiles and President Beverly Burton joined Carlean Ponder, Esq. of Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law and other representatives of the Election Protection Virginia coalition for a meeting with Deputy Attorney General   William C.  Mims and Nancy Rodrigues, Director of the State Board of Elections, and members of their staffs to discuss issues related to preparation for the upcoming presidential election.

Richmond City Attorney Norman B. Sales appointed Beverly Burton to succeed William Joe Hoppe, who passed away in July 2008, as General Counsel for Greater Richmond Transit Company.  GRTC named Ms. Burton, who conducted and supervised GRTC litigation for many years, as its registered agent.

Sworn in as a judge of the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court in May 2008, Hon. Marilynn C. Goss was named to head Richmond’s Juvenile Drug Treatment Court effective August 21, 2008.  The JDTC involves court-ordered, community-based case management and treatment for eligible non-violent juvenile offenders with a documented history of substance abuse.  Judge Goss is a former president of Old Dominion Bar Association

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine has elevated Court of Appeals Judge Leroy F. Millette, Jr. to the Virginia Supreme Court to fill the vacancy created when Justice G. Steven Agee was tapped to fill a vacancy on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.  He named Chesterfield Circuit Court Judge Cleo F. Powell to succeed Millette on the Virginia Court of Appeals. The governor appointed Richmond lawyer James C. Dimitri to fill the vacancy on the State Corporation Commission created by the retirement of Commissioner Theodore V. Morrison, Jr.  Gov. Kaine’s appointments must be endorsed by the legislature.

Judge Powell will be the second African-American to serve on the Virginia Court of Appeals since its creation in 1985.  The first was Hon. James W. Benton, Jr., who retired October 1, 2007.

Charles M. L. “Chuck” Mangum suffered a heart attack and passed away on August 9, 2008.  A former President of Old Dominion Bar Association, he practiced law in Lynchburg for many years, where he also served as president of the Lynchburg chapter and the Virginia State chapter of the NAACP.   He was also the owner and publisher of the Piedmont Area Journal and a past president of the Gamma Nu Lamba Chapter  of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity.  A funeral 
service will be held at 2:30 p.m. Aug. 14, 2008, at Calvary Presbyterian Church, 500 S. Green St., Statesville, N.C.

President Beverly A. Burton attended the Mandatory District Court Judicial Conference as a guest of the Virginia Supreme Court.  The conference was held at the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach August 10-13, 2008.

Vice-President Crystal Fisher and Executive Committee Member Pamela Boston attended the National Bar Association’s 83rd Convention in Houston, Texas.  At the Convention the NBA adopted a resolution honoring the many contributions of Oliver Hill, a founder and former president of Old Dominion Bar Association.  Ms. Boston is a Vice-President of the 
National Bar Association.

ODBA Executive Committee member Todd Pilot has been appointed to serve on the Virginia State Bar’s Diversity Task Force.  Pilot will serve on a 15-member task force  VSB President Manuel A. Capsalis formed to serve under the leadership of Joseph A. Condo, a former VSB president, for the purpose of developing ways to encourage more minority participation in the Virginia State Bar and in the legal profession.  

The Public Protection Task Force held its first Conclave on July 10, 2008, as a part of the Virginia State Bar Annual Disciplinary Conference at the Renaissance Portsmouth Hotel and Waterfront Conference Center in Portsmouth.  The Conclave included members of the Public Protection Task Force and several other standing committees and entities of the Virginia State Bar.  In October 2007 Bar Council rejected a Task Force proposal that the bar seek legislation to require insurers to notify third-party claimants or judgment creditors of insurance settlement payments. The issue resurfaced after an attorney’s theft of $3.7 million from client personal injury settlements became public knowledge.  Manuel A. Capsalis, President of the Virginia State Bar, has asked the Public Protection Task Force to continue to “search for ways to best fulfill the core regulatory mission of the Bar, namely protection of the public.”   The next task force meeting will be in August or September.

A memorial on the grounds of the state capitol to  recognize and celebrate Barbara Johns, her fellow students from Robert Russa Moton High School in Prince Edward County, their parents, community leaders and civil rights attorneys who risked everything in the struggle to gain full and equal rights for all was unveiled and dedicated in a ceremony at the Capitol on July 21, 2008.  President Beverly A. Burton attended the dedication ceremony.  The memorial features 
prominently statues of ODBA founder Oliver W. Hill and Spottswood Robinson, legal heroes of the civil rights movement.  Photos of the memorial are available at http://flickr.com/photos/civilrightsmemorial.

The Virginia Supreme Court is forming a planning committee to address measures to ensure the smooth operation of Virginia’s legal system during a catastrophic flu outbreak.  ODBA Executive Committee member and Treasurer Helivi Holland will serve on this Supreme Court Committee.

President Beverly A. Burton attended the Virginia State Bar’s 2008 Annual Meeting at the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach, which was held June 19-21, 2008.  Manuel A. Capsalis of Arlington was sworn in as  President at the Annual Meeting and expressed his commitment to pursuing diversity in his inaugural speech:  “For our legal profession and our judiciary to be properly responsive to the needs of society, we must be more reflective of the demographics of 

President Beverly A. Burton attended Chief Justice Leroy Hassell’s meeting with the leadership  of statewide bar associations at the Virginia Supreme Court on June 17, 2008.  Of particular note was the concern that attorneys appointed to represent indigent defendants in criminal cases were not taking advantage of statutory fee cap waivers.  Detailed information on statutory fee cap waivers, as well as the proper form to request the waivers, is available on 
the Virginia Supreme Court’s website.

While attending the Virginia State Bar Annual Meeting in Virginia Beach, President Beverly A. Burton arranged to meet with members of the South Hampton Roads Bar Association in Norfolk on June 19, 2008.  President Burton urged the 
attendees to join the ODBA and to participate in bar activities.  She particularly emphasized the need to form a local committee in the Tidewater area to work with the Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law in its Election Protection program to address voting irregularities in the area.  ODBA is participating in the LCCRUL program as an affiliate of the National Bar Association.

Executive Committee member Todd Pilot, Esq. has been appointed to serve on the Virginia State Bar's Diversity Task Force.  Attorney Pilot practices intellectual property law in Alexandria with the Trademark Institute.

President Beverly A. Burton was recently spotlighted in the June 19-21, 2008 issue of the Richmond Free Press.    She was featured as the issue's "Personality" and spoke of the Old Dominion Bar Association's mission and activities.  

Old Dominion Bar Association Executive Committee member Vinceretta Chiles has been appointed to serve on the Virginia Supreme Court's E-filing Advisory Committee.  Attorney Chiles is in private practice in Richmond, Virginia.

Old Dominion Bar Association Treasurer, Helivi Holland has been appointed to serve on the Virginia State Bar’s Public Protection Task Force, which will be studying the question of “payee notification”, that is, whether insurance companies should be required to notify tort plaintiffs that settlement checks have been sent to their attorneys.  The issue surfaced because of recently discovered abuses by attorneys entrusted with settlement funds.  A Public Protection conclave will be held in Portsmouth on July 10, 2008 to consider the issue.

Alexandria Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Judge Nolan Dawkins was sworn in on June 12, 1008 as a judge of the Alexandria Circuit Court.  Judge Dawkins is the first African-American to sit on the Circuit Court bench in Alexandria .  He was not selected in 2004 for the then-vacant seat on the court when his nomination fell victim to partisan squabbling in the Virginia General Assembly.  Judge Dawkins is a long-time member of Old Dominion Bar 
Association.  Please visit this link for more information on Judge Dawkins and his investiture:  http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?article=316167&paper=59&cat=104

In 2006 the Virginia Bar Association established a blue-ribbon Commission on Professionalism chaired by legal ethics authority, Thomas E. Spahn, a partner at McGuireWoods LLP in McLean.  The Commission has developed a set of aspirational principles of lawyer professionalism for submission to the Virginia Supreme Court.  All statewide bar associations and judges from each level of courts is represented on the Commission.  Old Dominion Bar Association has endorsed the Rules of Professionalism.  Executive Committee member Reginald Barley is a member of the 

In a 7-2 ruling, the United States Supreme Court upheld the exercise of judicial discretion to give shorter prison sentences for crack cocaine crimes in order to lessen the disparity with sentences for crimes involving powder cocaine.  The ruling came in Kimbrough v. United States.  Kimbrough had pled guilty to a crack cocaine charge, and federal sentencing guidelines called for a 19- to 22.5-year sentence.  Judge Raymond Jackson instead imposed a 15-year sentence, citing the case as “another example of how crack-cocaine guidelines are driving the offense level to a 
point higher than is necessary to do justice.”  After initially being reversed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, the sentence Judge Jackson imposed was upheld as appropriate.  Judge Jackson is a judge of the United States District Court’s Norfolk Division and a former Old Dominion Bar Association President. He received the L. Douglas Wilder Vanguard Award at the 2008 Annual Meeting in recognition of his contribution to the quest for equal 
justice.  To read a CNN news article about Judge Jackson and the case, visit
http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/law/12/10/scotus.crack.cocaine.  To read more about the  Kimbrough case, visit http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=000&invol=06-6330

The Old Dominion Bar Association hosted its 68th Annual Meeting at the Sheraton Hotel West in Richmond May 29 through June 1, 2008.  The meeting began Thursday evening with a well-attended wine and cheese reception honoring government attorneys at the Black History and Cultural Center in historic Jackson Ward.  The Honorable L. Douglas Wilder, Mayor of the City of Richmond, was the President’s Luncheon speaker on Friday, and Hon. James W. Benton, 
recently retired judge of the Virginia Court of Appeals, addressed conference participants at the Judicial Luncheon on Saturday.  Following the luncheon, judges in attendance donned their robes for a group picture.  During the luncheon Judge Benton was presented with a plaque and will receive a framed copy of the group photograph, as well.  

President of the American Judges Association, Hon. Eileen A. Olds, a judge of the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, was the Annual Banquet speaker Saturday evening.  Members and guests were treated to live jazz at the pre-banquet reception and during the Annual Banquet.  Dais guests included Senator Henry L. Marsh and Senator Yvonne Miller, both of whom received the Harold Marsh Sr. Community Service Award, which recognized their 
leadership and legislative initiatives to improve the legal system.  

Retired Judge Gammiel Poindexter received the Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her outstanding service to the bench, bar and public. Federal judge Raymond  Jackson received the L. Douglas Wilder Vanguard Award  as did Chidi James, Esq.  Judge Jackson’s award recognized his outstanding achievement in exercising judicial discretion when applying federal sentencing guidelines in crack cocaine cases, which was recently 
upheld by the United States Supreme Court.  Attorney James’ award recognized his outstanding leadership as a member and officer of Northern Virginia Black Attorneys Association.  Leonard L. Brown, Jr. received the ODBA Member of the Year Award in recognition of his substantial contributions and personal sacrifice as a former President and Executive Committee member, and outgoing President S. Howard Woodson III received the Association’s Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his devoted and dedicated service as President.

For relaxation and fun, conference participants were treated to complimentary hot stone massages and were given the opportunity to compete in two competitive events.  The Bid Whist Tournament winning team was Bobby Stafford and Gammiel Poindexter.  Members of the winning Golf Tournament foursome were Joyce Newsome, Judge Angela Roberts, Vincent Robertson, and Mario Reynolds.

The conference ended with a Sunday Brunch and inspirational words from speaker Barbara Arnwine, Executive Director of Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, who spoke passionately of the need for continued involvement with voting rights issues.  

To view photos of the event, click here.

Former Norfolk Deputy Commonwealth ’s Attorney Marjorie Arrington was sworn in as a judge of the Chesapeake Circuit Court on May 9, 2008.  Judge Arrington succeeds Bernard Goodwyn who was recently elevated to serve as a justice of the Virginia Supreme Court.

Former Old Dominion Bar Association President  and Executive Committee member Marilynn Goss Thornton was sworn in as a judge of the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court on May 16, 2008.  Judge Goss was surrounded by family and friends as Richmond Chief Circuit Court Judge Pete Stout administered the oath of office.  Prior to her appointment, Judge Goss was managing attorney of Central Virginia Legal Aid Society, Inc.

On Wednesday April 23, 2008, the General Assembly appointed three African-Americans to judgeships.  With his elevation to the Alexandria Circuit Court bench, Nolan D. Dawkins, Chief Judge of the Alexandria Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, became the first African American to serve on the Alexandria Circuit Court.  Judge Dawkins, a native of Alexandria, served on the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court for fourteen years and is a long time member of Old Dominion Bar Association.  Richmond attorney Marilynn C. Goss, Managing Attorney at Central 
Virginia Legal Aid Society, Inc. and a substitute judge, was appointed to serve on the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.   A graduate of  the T. C. Williams School of Law in Richmond, Judge Goss practiced the full range of poverty law for twenty-five years.  She is a long time member and former president of Old Dominion Bar Association.  Marjorie A. Arrington, Norfolk Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney since 2001, was appointed to serve on the 
Chesapeake Circuit Court.  Judge Arrington, a graduate of the Walter F. George School of Law in Macon, Georgia, began her legal career as an attorney for Tidewater Legal Aid Society.  Before joining the Norfolk Commonwealth’s Attorney Office, she was a prosecutor in Portsmouth and Suffolk.  

Judge John W. Scott, Jr., 59, died unexpectedly on April 16, 2008, as he was leaving Johns Hopkins Hospital after eye surgery.  A Circuit Court judge since 1989, Judge Scott sat primarily in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He became the first African-American judge in the area when he was appointed to the Stafford County General District Court Bench.  He was a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law and worked for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund before 
joining Hill, Tucker & Marsh, the Richmond law firm renowned for its civil rights work. Judge Scott, a long-time member of the Old Dominion Bar Association, is survived by his wife, Alda White, Esq., and three sons.  A memorial service was  held for Judge Scott on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at James Monroe High School in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Judge Scott is a former President of the Old Dominion Bar Association.

March 2008 - David Baugh Appointed as Capital Defender
On March 1, 2008 renowned defense attorney David P. Baugh, Esq. replaced John B. Boatright III as the capital defender for the Central Virginia office of the Indigent Defense Commission.  Baugh, a former Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas and the Eastern District of Virginia, received the Virginia State Bar’s Lewis F. Powell Jr. Pro Bono Award in 2006.  The American Bar Association named him “Human Rights Hero” in 2006, as well. 
During his career Baugh has represented unpopular defendants, including a terrorist and a Ku Klux Klan member.  Attorney Baugh is a member of the Old Dominion Bar Association.

January 2008 -Old Dominion Bar Association Winter Meeting Held at T. C. Williams School of Law
On January 26, 2008, The Old Dominion Bar Association held  its Winter Meeting at the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law.   Presenters were Charlotte Peoples Hodges, Esq., former  Assistant Bar Counsel with the Virginia State Bar;  Henry McLaughlin Esq., Executive Director of Central Virginia Legal Aid Society, Inc., and Charles Lewis, Esq., a former federal public defender, of  HicksTymas LLC.  The guest speaker was criminal defense attorney 
David P. Baugh, Esq., who spoke of the Constitution and challenged his listeners to consider whether they were Americans or African-Americans.  The attendees enjoyed refreshments at a reception following the meeting.

Retired Judge James Madison Walton, Sr. Dies
James M. Walton, a retired judge, passed away on January 15, 2008.  He was 81 years-old.  A funeral service was held on January 22, 2008 at The Historic First Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia.  Judge Walker retired from the Cook County, Illinois bench in 1986.  After relocating to Virginia, he established a law practice in Chesapeake, Virginia, and was a supporter and member of the Old Dominion Bar Association.  He is survived by his wife, Jean B. Walton and four 

Old Dominion Bar Association Held Annual Winter Meeting
On January 26, 2008, The Old Dominion Bar Association held its 2008 Winter Meeting at the T.C. WilliamsSchool of Law at the University of Richmond.   Presenters included  Charlotte Peoples Hodges, Esq., former  Assistant Bar Counsel with the Virginia State Bar; Henry McLaughlin Esq., Executive Director of Central Virginia Legal Aid Society, Inc., and Charles Lewis, Esq., Counsel, HicksTymas LLC and former Federal Public Defender.  This year's guest speaker will be David P. Baugh, Esq., former Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia and the Eastern District of Texas.  Mr. Baugh is the 2006 Recipient of the VSB Lewis F. Powell Jr. Pro Bono Award and was named a “Human rights Hero” by the American Bar Association. 
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