Old Dominion Bar Association

VSB 6th Annual Fore Diversity Golf Tournament

  • 16 Jun 2016
  • 11:45 - 17:30
  • Virginia Beach National Golf Club 2500 Tournament Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23456

The Virginia State Bar's Diversity Conference is asking for your participation and support for the 6th Annual Fore Diversity Golf Tournament to be held Thursday, June 16th in Virginia Beach during the upcoming Annual Meeting. Proceeds go to MDI, which supports the works of the Diversity Conference and also to the Hill Tucker Pre-Law Institute, a week long camp introducing high school students from diverse backgrounds to the legal profession. The VSB Diversity Conference "seeks to make the Judiciary and the Bar both inclusive and representative of all Virginiains." 

This tournament will have great door prizes and raffles. Golfers of all ability are welcome! 

Virginia Beach National Golf Club  

11:00 am - 11:45 am - Check-In/Late Registration

Tee Times - Begin at Noon

Fees - $125/person, $400/foursome


Includes: Greens Fee, Cart, Contests, Box Lunch, Great Prizes, and Refreshments.     

The 6th Annual Fore Diversity Golf Tournament is OPEN TO ALL ... lawyers, non-lawyers, judges, law students, families, friends, and guests of those attending the conference! Additionally, local attorneys and law students who are NOT attending the conference are invited to play! Come join the fun for this worthwhile event! If you can't play, then please sponsor! 

For sponsorship details, please click the below link, "Get more information." 

To register to play, please click the below link "Register Now!" 

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I can't make it

With your support, the Diversity Conference can help continue our Commonwealth's progress in making the Bar and the Judiciary accessible and available to all.

Please don't miss this shot to help a great cause. Thank you!


Eva N. Juncker
Millennium Diversity Initiative, Inc.

Thursday June 16, 2016 from 11:45 AM to 5:30 PM EDT
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Virginia Beach National Golf Club
2500 Tournament Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23456

© 2025  ODBA | P.O. Box 12301 Richmond, VA 23241-0301 | President@odbabar.com
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