Old Dominion Bar Association

Free Webinar: Making the Case for Pro Bono: The Justice Gap, Rule 6.1, and Virginia's New Online Pro Bono Website

  • 24 May 2016
  • 13:00 - 14:30
  • https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1213912887111718147

Registration for the VSB/ODBA Pro Bono Webinar is now open. The program has been approved for 1.5 hours of MCLE ethics credit on the topic of Making the Case for Pro Bono: The Justice Gap, Rule 6.1, and Virginia's New Online Pro Bono Website.

This is an ODBA first and let’s show an enormous amount of participation. There is no registration fee to attend but registrants will be asked to certify that they will register for the online pro bono website, accept a pro bono referral from a legal services organization or make a financial donation to a legal aid office.

Please register for Making the Case for Pro Bono: The Justice Gap, Rule 6.1, and Virginia's New Online Pro Bono Website on May 24, 2016 1:00 PM EDT at:


Thanks is given to ODBA Member Karl Doss for his leadership in making this webinar available to our members and anyone else interested.

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