Old Dominion Bar Association

Before You Say "Yes" to Serving on a Board, Know What Is Expected: Part 3 - Key Components of Board Leadership

  • 19 Nov 2014
  • 14:00
  • https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5287980588540358657

Nonprofits operate in a highly regulated and very transparent environment. In deciding to serve, it is more than just doing good and/or giving financial support– a board member has an unique stewardship role in the organization. This webinar will introduce the participants to the top 10 good governance practices that are hallmarks of successful nonprofits boards: (1) Board recruitment and orientation; (2) the significance of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws; (3) committee structure and board oversight; (4) delegation and accountability of the Officers and CEO; (5) liability and indemnification; (6) the importance of the Form 990; (7) oversight of revenue activities and fundraising; (8) protection of assets; (9) annual registrations and reports.

This program is open to attorneys and non-attorneys. Attorneys seeking CLE credit for their attendance are asked to certify during registration that they will render pro bono publico legal services (such as poverty law, civil rights law, public interest law, and volunteer activities designed to increase the availability of pro bono legal services) per Rule 6.1 of the Virginia Rules of Professional Conduct in an amount at least commensurate with the MCLE credit earned.

The Pro Bono and Board Governance webinar series is co-sponsored by the Virginia State Bar, the Pro Bono Clearinghouse of the Greater Richmond Bar Foundation, and Sands Anderson PC.

( 1.5 hours of MCLE Credit pending for this program)

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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